Chapter 14

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A/N: hi guys. this is the last chapter of this book. but before you guys all freak out at me, i will be making a second book! anyway, thank you for the amount of support i have gotten on this book! love you all!

"She's at the Robinswift park for some reason," Dinah told me. I took a big breath and nodded.

I walked out of the dorm and began to walk to the park, which was about twenty minutes away; twenty minutes to figure out what I would say to her.

And here I am, spotting Lauren alone on a bench with a cigarette linger in her mouth.

"So what are you going to buy with two hundred dollars? Too bad you won't be getting any more," I said with a bitter laugh. Her eyes slowly examined me and my angry face.

I stood still, letting the complete silence sink into me.

"Fucking speak to me!" I screamed as tears blurred my vision and Lauren's emotionless face.

"Sorry," she said with her plain voice, far away from emotion. Her voice reminded me the first time I met her.

"You tore me apart, I am ripped at every edge, I am a mess."

"What do you want me to say? You should of known," she chuckled as she blew out the smoke.

"You told me you loved me," I croaked out.

"Do you know how easy it is to say those three words? Camz, honey you mean nothing to me," she laughed bitterly. I felt my body tense up.

"I'm so stupid, for making this mistake." I sighed into my hands, my face wet with tears.

"What? Falling for me? Well, sucks for you, princess,"

"No, no, my biggest mistake wasn't falling for you, it was thinking you've fallen for me, too."

"That's your fault princess," she spat and conintuned to smoke her cigarette as if this was all normal to her.

"I loved you," I whispered.

"Look, Camila, princess, you were so easy to take over, I kissed you once and you wanted me. I can't believe you actually thought that I would love you,"

By that time, I was done.

"Tell me you love me, tell me you love me one last time even if it's fake, just one more time," I watched her still face.

"I love you, Camila Cabello," she said and burned out her cigarette. I took one good look at her and turned around, walking away from the girl I once thought she loved me back.

The girl who tricked me into her game.

The girl who told me that she loved me.

The girl who convinced me that nothing would go wrong if I was with her.

I promised, I promised myself to never speak to her, look at her, talk about her, or even think about her. But Lauren managed to change that around.

I got more mad at myself for knowing that I knew it was her game, but I trusted her. I trusted her and fell for her again, wishing it would be different this time, wishing she would catch me.

But she didn't.

Where did I go wrong?

Just as I wanted, Lauren and I were nowhere in contact for the rest of the year.

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