Chapter 2

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Just like the usual mornings, the alarm clock made Dinah groan, telling me to shut it off. I stood up with a grunt to shut the beeping material off and then got ready for class.

I walked into the classroom, I always came an hour early due to how I told my professor I would help clean and help him prepare for class. I started organizing the shelf seeing someone was also here. I choked on thin air when I noticed who she was.

"Oh..hey there," Lauren said, her voice raspy as she picked up the junks on the floor. She was an art major, she didn't even have this class. This better be a joke.

"Why are you here?" I asked, looking right at her. But all I saw was a little smirk as she picked up some books.

"I got in trouble so my punishment is to help out here for the next month." she said, waiting for me to say something. But I didn't. I didn't want to talk to her. I didn't want to start anything with her.

"So what you doing after your classes on this boring ass Friday?" she asked, the smug expression never leaving her face.

"My best friend, Lucas is coming and we're going to hang out."

Lauren chuckled and placed the books in the right places before piercing her green eyes to mine, which I looked away and focused my eyes on the shelf. "Oh that's nice. I'm just going to get fucked. Hard." she rasped as she took steps towards me, her eyes seeming dark from the corner of my eye.

I dropped what I was holding and my eyes were now fixed onto her. I didn't know what I was feeling. She was unbelievable. When I kept on looking at her, she took it as a permission to walk closer, leaning in.

"Have you ever been touched, Camz?" her husky breath went through my ear, giving me goose bumps when her green eyes burned into mine.

"My name is Camila, call me Camila," I hissed.

"Answer my question, Camz."

"Yeah, I have," I lied. I was a virgin but something inside me just wanted to tell her that I have been touched. She was just...annoying. I wanted myself away from her so I started to walk towards a different area.

"Hey, I was joking. Dinah and I are going to a beach," she quickly fixed herself, grabbing my wrist to stop me from walking away.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped yet quietly due to the fact that we weren't alone. "Can you leave me alone, Lauren?" I added sternly ignoring the hurt look on her face.

"I'm sorry, I just thought-"

"You thought what Lauren?"

"I want to get to know you better," she said after a few seconds. I was so confused, all this time I thought she hated me. Now she wants to know about me? What the hell was this? A prank a friend told her to do?

"Oh yeah? So you want to know about me more so you asked me if I have been touched, and saying some other stupid shit. You surely are good at this." I spat, my eyes burning furiously. "Fuck off." I growled, Lauren took a step back but later she started to ask random questions, which I happened to answer them all because Lauren was being clingy and annoying about it. I found it would be the best to just answer them and get away from her as fast as possible.

I ended up telling her about Sofi and how close we were. Also about my best friend, Lucas and how I was the captain of the soccer team in high school and that I also played softball. I don't know why but I also ended up telling her about how I hated beer and that every tuesday nights my family would play broad games. After she was done asking questions, I saw that it was eight, class would be starting in twenty minutes so I quickly got up and started to clean faster. Thank god, I've already had enough with Lauren.

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