Chapter 13

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I was shaking when we stepped into the hospital.

"Do you know what room Ale Cabello is?" I asked my voice barely steady.

The women typed on her computer and then looked up to me.

"Room 617, level 4," the women said kindly and I nodded before running towards an elevator.

When the elevator stopped at level four, I quickly ran out and looked for room 617. After a minute of walking around and looking, I found it. I took a big breath before entering.

I opened the door, first thing I saw was my father sleeping on the bed. I then looked at my mother who was holding Sofi in her lap.

"Is he okay?" I said, quietly.

"He forgot many English words, he won't be able to work for a few months but he's fine, he's going to be okay," my mother said, who sounded much better than when she called me. I walked over to his bed and looked at him.

"I love you papa," I whispered and then walked over to Lauren, wrapping my hands around her neck as she wrapped her arms around my waist. I dug my face into her chest, calming myself down. I then looked up at her and sighed.

"I want to sleep here with him," I told her and she nodded.

"And I'll stay here with you," she said. I sat down on a chair and closed my eyes, wanting to just drift away. After a few minutes, I just laid there, my eyes closed.

"I know how it feels," Lauren quietly said.

"What do you mean?" my mother asked.

"To think you might of lost someone, but you're lucky, you didn't lose him," Lauren answered.

"Who did you lose?" my mother asked.

"My mother. She died in a car crash when I was younger, I used to blame myself, sometimes I still do," Lauren said, I could hear the emotion in her voice.

"I'm sorry for your loss,"

"Mrs. Cabello, I promise I won't let anything happen to Camila, I won't hurt her," Lauren said. I opened my eyes to see Lauren and my mother hugging, which made me smile. I then closed my eyes drifted to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of my mother, Lauren and my father talking. I slowly sat up and looked at them.

"Papa you're awake," I said with a big smile. He nodded and sat up slowly. I walked over and gently gave him a hug.

"Look at you, my college girl. You even have a girlfriend now," He said, proudly. I blushed and nodded.

"I love you Mija," he smiled as he held my hands.

"I love you too papa," I said placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

I looked at the time, seeing it was already noon.

"I need to go back, I have classes tomorrow." I said, biting my lip. My mother nodded, understanding.

"I"ll call you when I get back," I said, looking at my mom, Sofi and my father. I all gave them a hug, told them I loved them and said goodbye.

I walked out the hospital, Lauren following me once again.

We went back to my house to get our luggage and then began our drive back to college


Lauren gently shook me. "Camz, wake up," she said. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, seeing that we were at my dorm. I looked at her as I groggily leaned in for a kiss.

"I'll call you later tonight, okay babe?" I said with a smile.

"Alright, love you baby girl," she said as I opened the car door. I walked to the trunk and got my bags and then walked to my dorm.

Suprisily, Dinah was in our dorm. She was sitting on her bed, looking nervous and as if she was thinking things through. She looked up at me and took a big breath. I set down my bags on my bed and faced her.

"Hey," I said with a smile.

"Hey," she said, she wasn't her old happy self. "Camila, I need to tell you something," she said, her voice a bit shaky. I nodded and sat down by her.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's such a long story," she said and then put her face into her hands. "I'm such a bad friend," she muttered and then took a big breath.

"Tell me," I said softly, but deep inside I was afraid to know.

"Do you remeber the first day? When we all went to that party?" she asked. I slowly nodded.

"Well...we were all bored and drunk, and decided to play truth or dare but when we play truth or dare, we take it really serious. Everything was going fine until Ally dared Lauren. Lauren was dared to make you fall in love with her and if she did it, she would get two hundred dollars." Dinah said slowly, her head hung down low in shame.

"No one thought she would actually do it, but then she started to tell us stories of your dates and sex and it was just so..." she couldn't even finish the sentence.

By now I was just staring at the blonde's shaky pupils.

"No one believed her, no one did. But that changed when she said you guys were dating and you two kissed at the football game, she finally proved it. She got her two hundred dollars and was dared to date you for one more month for another two hundred," Dinah trailed off, her eyes teary with full of guilt.

"That can't be-"

"It's all a game to her, Camila." Dinah said as my body froze.

I stood there, my breathing far from steady. My heart beat was at a erratic pace that I was fearful that my chest would split open. I was feeling as if I could not breath, and I didn't even know what I was feeling. My fists clenched hard, my knuckles turning pale white. I tried to held in the tears that wanted to escape so badly, but I couldn't. I opened my mouth but I caught my breath as I choked on my words. I slumped heavily down on my bed, staring at the ground.

"She never loved me," I said, connecting the dots.


I stood up and shook my head.

"Call her now and ask where the hell she is, now!" I snapped at Dinah, my heart beating, my hands shaking, tears falling down my eyes.

Fuck you, Lauren.

I fell for your stupid little game again.

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