Chapter 7

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A/N: hiya guys! im just gonna go warn you guys and tell you theres gonna be a sexual scene so if you're not about that life you might wanna just skip some parts! love you all! xx tasha

I woke up to the sound of Normani and Dinah's faint voice. I groaned quietly and sat up, rubbing my eyes. I said good morning and went to the bathroom to get ready for my day. I put on little makeup, making sure everything was waterproof. I kept my hair normal and then got my black bikini. I then, put on a loose shirt and some shorts to cover myself up.

I then walked out the bathroom, seeing Normani and Dinah singing to Beyonce. Something that was normal for me now.

"Looking cute Mila! Why?" she asked with a cheerful smile.

"Lauren and I are going to the beach, hopefully I'll find a cutie," I said with a small laugh.

"Or are we looking for cute for Lauren?" Dinah teased me.

"No! No!" I shrieked. They both gave me a look and I began to shake my head. "No!" I said once again which made them give me a look again. "It was just a thing and I"m not going to fall for it again! I just wanna be friends with her!" I said. Normani gasped.

"You two hooked up?" Normani started to freak out and then began to laugh. "I feel like this is an epsiode of Gossip Girl or even the Kardashians!" She said and laughed with Dinah.

"Look at her, she's bushing!" Dinah laughed as she pointed at me. I began to laugh too and then put my face into my hands, still laughing.

"It's not going to happen again okay? We're done!" I said and began to laugh again. I heard a knock and then opened the door, seeing Lauren. She gave me a small smile.

"Ready Camz?"

"Yeah, just let me get my phone and purse," I said and then walked to my bed, grabbing what I needed.

"Oh my god, she even has a little nickname for her!" Normani laughed as she shared a meaningful look with Dinah.

"Shut up!" I said with my flushed face and then ran to the doorway. I closed the door and then smiled at Lauren. I followed to her car. She opened the door for me, which was so polite. I got in and then she got in.

"Still one direction as fuck?" she asked with a small laugh. I nodded, so she turned on some one direction, during the whole ride to the beach we were jamming out.

When we got there, I followed Lauren. She found a spot for us, so I put down my towel and my stuff down. We talked about normal things and then went into the water. We kept on splashing each other until Lauren grabbed my wrist and pulled me to her.

"Give me a kiss," She whispered in my ear and I began to shake my head.

"No Lauren, I just wanna be friends." I told her and she pouted.

"We are just friends, I just want a little kiss, what's so wrong with that?" she grinned and I scoffed.

"It's so wrong on many levels," I crossed my arms.

"Come on, it's just a little kiss," she purred pulling me close to her.

I sighed noticing Lauren would not stop until I gave her what she wanted, so I did. I gave her the quickest kiss and then wiggled out of her grip, running away. Ugh, what am I doing? I told myself that this was just part of her game, and I shouldn't get myself into it again.

I told her that I wanted to go tan so I walked out the water and went to lay down.

After a few minutes, Lauren came by and laid on her side, looking at me.

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