Chapter 4

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I ran through the crowd of people, trying to find Dinah. All I wanted to do is go home, and just relax, be somewhere away from Lauren. I finally found her by Ally and Normani drinking beer, laughing. I walked over.

"Can we go home?" I pleaded, my voice cracking a bit.

"Did someone have too much fun? I see hickys on your neck!" Normani laughed as she gave me a wink, which I responded with a death glare. Dinah seemed to understand and punched Normani in the arm before tossing me her car key.

"Take my car and go home, I'll just take a ride from Ally or someone," she said giving me a reassuring smile before hugging me. I thanked her before running out of the party almost too quickly that I almost lost my balance.

I huffed at the thought of Lauren straddling me as I got out of the car and walked into my dorm, seeing Lucas sitting on my bed. He's facial expression told me that he was not happy at the moment.

"Camila! Where the hell have you been? It's past midnight, look at what you're wearing and I can smell the acholal! You're mother has been worried sick, she has called you-" I smashed my lips to his, making him gasp. I kicked my heels to the side as I straddled him, my lips still chewing on his bottom lip. I wanted to get my anger out somehow, I wanted to forget. I wanted to forget everything about Lauren. She was definitely unhealthy for me.

Lucas seemed startled for a second but then he reacted by putting his hands on my waist and moving our lips in sync. He was a good kisser, but he was nothing compared to Lauren. God damn it! I need to stop thinking about Lauren! Why is she still in my head?

I kissed him even harder, even tracing his bottom lip with my tongue asking for entrance. He gladly opened his mouth and I darted my tongue in, the kiss was becoming more aggressive by second. He then connected his lips to my jaw line, trailing down to my neck slowly, leaving wet, sweet marks.

"Do you not like my skirt?" I whispered to his ear causing him to shiver. I couldn't suppress a moan when he sucked on my pulse point.

"Of course I do but I just want your body to myself," he whispered back as he placed his hand on my thighs, squeezing it gently. His other hand was caressing my side. It reminded me of how Lauren kissed me not long ago, her hands on my waist and sucking on my bottom lip as I moaned. All I could think of was Lauren, I couldn't help it. On the other hand, Lucas pecked my lips softly before working on my neck again, making me moan when he sucked on my pulse point. That was definitely one of the sweet spots for me. I moaned out again and got confused when Lucas stopped. He was panting lightly as he stared at me with his eyebrow raised.

"Did you just call me Lauren?" he said, concerned and confused and the same time. I looked at him as if he was crazy, and shook my head.

"What the fuck? No?" I said, running my hands through my hair. "Just kiss me again, please Lucas," I said and tried to connect our lips again when Lucas pulled away again. "Lucas what are you-"

"Get off. Go to bed, you have school tomorrow," he muttered and pushed me off of him as he stood up. I stared at him, baffled by his words. Did I really moan out Laurens name? That can't be true.

"I'm going home," Lucas said and before I could even stop him, he slammed the door shut leaving me completely baffled. 


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, and all I remember from yesterday is that Lucas got mad at me because-well-I guess because I moaned out Lauren's name. But how could I?

I sat up, realizing that the dorm room was empty. Dinah probably spent the night at Ally's or Normani's. I got up and got ready for the day. My hair was it's natural self, my makeup was natural and my outfit was just skinny jeans, a white sweater and white converse. I was too tired to put in my contacts so I put on my glasses. I then got out of my dorm and headed towards my first class.

I stepped in seeing Lauren picking up some garbage. I stared at her in disgust for a moment before walking past her without a word. I felt her eyes on my back as I organized the shelf.


I clenched my jaw.

"Camz, I'm sorry about what happened last night," she said yet annoyance was evident in her voice. She grabbed my hand but I snatched it back and walked towards my teacher's desk. I began to wipe as Lauren stood next to me. "Camila, fucking talk to me," she spat. I groaned and turned around to face the dark haired girl, my hands on my waist.

"What do you want from me?" I hissed, yet remained calm.

"Look, I don't know what was into me last night, let me take you to dinner tonight to make it up," she said as she ran a hand through her hair. I laughed.

"I don't need or want you. I barely even know you, and I don't want to be around you." I said and turned around, my back facing her. "Fuck off," I muttered.

"I'll tell you anything you want at dinner. I"ll pay. Just let make it up to you Camz," she said, attitude in her voice.

"Didn't you hear me? I said fuck off," I growled.

"Camz, please." Lauren pleaded.

"Don't call me that." I said as I walked away from her again.

"Why not? It's a cute nickname," Lauren shrugged as she followed me behind. I rolled my eyes and kept on ignoring her as Lauren kept on whining.

"I'm gonna keep on asking till you-"

"Jesus Christ." I huffed. "Fine, I'll go. Pick me up at seven. You happy now?" I said and Lauren's face lightened up. I gazed up to look at the time, class was going to start soon. So I sat down as Lauren waved at be before leaving. I huffed, I don't know which one is really Lauren. I didn't even know why she even wanted to make it up to me when she clearly hated me.

After what seemed like forever, I walked into my dorm, to see that Dinah was still not home. I bit my lip nervously before picking out my outfit for dinner with Lauren. I tried my best to do the makeup and left my hair curly as usual. I was wearing a white skirt with black top when there was a knock at the door. I walked over and opened it seeing Lauren looking standing in front of the door. She was wearing a red skintight dress with heels. I was already chewing on my bottom lip unconsciously as Lauren stood in front of me with her expression unreadable. Once again my brain felt numb, and I didn't know if I had a soul in me, I felt empty.

I pulled her in by grabbing her wrist and closed the door. It was complete silence and we were staring at each other. I could see Lauren's facial expression getting nervous. I then pinned her to the wall because she was a masterpiece.

"Make me feel alive, Lauren," I husked before crashing our lips together.

a/n: hey guys! i might post an update tomorrow(probs not) but i have degree testing on saturday for tkd and i just wanna focus on that and study my butt off so you may have to wait til sunday for an update! have a great day, love you all! xx tasha

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