Chapter 10

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Lauren shook me gently, causing my eyes to flutter open and take in the world.

"Good morning," she rasped. I slowly sat up and gave her a small smile.

"Since we have no classes today, how about we go something and later on go to the football game?" Lauren asked her fingers lingering in my hair.

"Of course, that sounds amazing," I told her leaning in to peck her lips.

I got off my bed and then went into the bathroom. I closed the door and then turned on the shower. I slowly got undressed but then the door opened and Lauren walked in. Naked.

"Lauren, what the fu-"

"I need to shower too, why not do it together?" she said as if it was obvious with a small laugh.

"But Laur-"

"I won't do anything you don't want me to do, I just need to take a shower," she said. I slowly nodded and then got into the shower, her following me.

I got the shampoo and began to put it on the hair but Lauren grabbed my waist and kissed me but she kept on kissing me, pinning me to the wall.

I began to kiss her back even harder, my hands were in her hair. I nibbled on her soft skin and moved my hand out of her hair, trailing it down her body. I kissed her again as my fingers gently pressed on her clit. Lauren stopped kissing me and looked at me.

"Camila what are you doi-," I mashed our lips together causing her to stumble and shoved two fingers inside of her. Lauren gasped then let out a loud groan as I bit on her bottom lip and started to nibble on them.

"Camila," she moaned out in pleasure and I pumped faster. I pressed my body into hers harder and having Lauren moan right into my ear was beyond arousing. After a few minutes, her nails dug into my shoulders so I knew she was close. I added another finger and Lauren started to shake, releasing in just seconds. I slowly took my finger out and then went back to washing my hair like nothing happened. She just stood there, staring.

When I was finished, I dressed up and waited for Lauren by reading a book on my bed. She finally came out. She walked over to the bed. I put down my book and then sat up my knees, reaching her length. I wrapped my arms around her neck and smiled.

"Where are we going today?" I asked and she smiled.

"You'll see. I think you'll like it." She said and kissed me. "Wrap your legs around me," she told me so I did. She picked me up and spun me around, making me laugh and then stopped and put me down on the bed. "Let's go," she said. I put on my shoes and got my purse and then followed Lauren out to her car. This is going to be fun.

She stopped in the middle of a forest. She got out and opened the door for me. "Where are we going?" I asked her and she laughed to herself.

"You'll see Camz," she said as she took my hand and began to lead me somehow here. After a few minutes of walking, we stopped. A beautiful waterfall. Lauren smiled at me and began to undress.

"Come on! Get undressed, Camz!" she told me with a small laugh.

"But I don't have a swim su-"

"Come one, just get naked. It's nothing I haven't seen," she said with a cocky smirk. I rolled my eyes playfully and then slowly stripped down. I could feel her eyes on me, she walked over to me and kissed me on the head. She took my hand and then walked over to the  water. She pulled me in close and began to kiss me but shortly, after pushed me in the water and then jumped in. I looked in Lauren, laughing. I ran to her and began to splash her. She splashed me back but then took my hand and pushed me in closer, her naked wet body touching mine.

"I love you so much," she whispered to me, brushing my hair away. I looked at her in eyes and smiled. She meant everything to me. It was like those words healed every wounds she made to me. She picked me up and began to spin me around. She set me down and then began to swim and laugh and tell me stories about her childhood. I didn't do anything but watch her.

We got out the water and laid down on the rocks, wanting to dry off. Twenty minutes later, we got dressed.

"The football game is starting, let's go," she told me and I nodded as I followed her out to her car.

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