Chapter 5

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Lauren reacted by stroking my side as her free hand combed through my hair. But after what seemed like forever, Lauren pulled away breathing hard due to lack of oxygen. "I  said I was taking you to dinner, lets go." she said and smoothed out the wrinkles on her dress, then looked up at me.

My expression was blank, I was confused inside. I thought her taking me to dinner meant something more. I chewed on my bottom lip, I shouldn't be expecting anything from her. That's Lauren, no one else but Lauren.

I backed away, letting her open the door. She held it open for me so I walked out and followed her to the car, which caught my attention right away, it was a black Lamborghini. I wondered how she was able to afford this, but I was brought out of my thoughts when Lauren opened the door for me. I got in with a slight smile, letting myself adjust to the new feeling. She started her car and blasted her music, the 1975. I smiled, they were one of my favorite bands.

We talked about the 1975 and other bands during the ride, which took us one hour but it felt like it was five minutes. I picked up my purse as Lauren opened the door for me again. I thanked her which she smiled in return.

Maybe she's not that bad.

Or is this another trick that she's playing?

She took my hand and led me to the restaurant, which took my breath away for a second just like when I saw her car. The restaurant looked like something you would expect a celebrity to eat at.

"Jauregui, table for two," Lauren told the man at the entrance.

"Oh yes! How are you Miss Jauregui? How is your father's business doing?" the man welcomed us gladly as he led us inside.

"I'm well thanks for asking. And I don't know, I...haven't talked to him in a while." she shrugged and gazed at the floor. I could feel her pulse tightening in my hand, she looked scared, as if answering those questions would expose her darkest secrets.

Lauren and I walked into the restaurant and a women who looked as if she was in her late twenties led us to an empty table. I sat down as Lauren ordered us some wine, which I wasn't a big fan of but I kept quiet.

"Thank you, Lauren," I said after the woman left, earning a happy nod from her. "I have told you about my life, so let's talk about yours." I raised an eyebrow making her lift her head up nervously, her pupils darkened and she started to chew on her bottom lip.

"G-go ahead," she mumbled, acting if it was nothing but I could see through her shaking hands, she didn't want to answer my questions.

"So what did you do back at home?" I asked and she shrugged, wiping her sweaty hands on her dress.

"All I did was go to parties and do art."

"That man said your father has a business, what is it?"

"He owns journalism type of thing, it's getting popular. Nothing cool," she mumbled, she was still not meeting my eyes.

"Why don't you date?"

"It's boring," she laughed a bit and ran her fingers through her hair. I nodded, trying to understand her, but I couldn't. She didn't want me to know anything about her life so I stopped asking and began to talk about music again, which she quickly showed interest in.

Two hours went fast, we were done with dinner and were ready to leave. I got into Lauren's car again and the rest of the car ride was quiet. I got out once we reached the building and I et her walk me to my dorm, where I thanked her for everything she did for me today.

"No problem Camz," Lauren smiled but her emerald eyes weren't on mine, maybe I'm assuming but I felt her gaze on my lips.

"Camila," I corrected her, lowering my head as an attempt to avoid her eyes. I was unconsciously fidgeting as Lauren stepped closer go me, inching our distance.

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