Chapter 1- Grian POV

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It was the last day of the long holidays. Grian was over at Mumbo's, just like he was every other day of the holidays. Both boys were sat on Mumbo's bed facing each other and making a list of things they needed for their first day of school tomorrow.

"Pencils and pens are a must", Grian says to mumbo, who was chewing on the end of a pen lid.

"Mhmm" Mumbo replied, seeming to have zoned out. Grian poked him in the shoulder with his wing. Mumbo looked up at Grian.

"Yeah?" Mumbo said to Grian.

"You've zoned out again. Got something on your mind? Or is it a someone?" Grian says cheekfully, and then giggling as mumbo starts to turn red.

"Uh no, its not someone. Nope. You've guessed wrong." Mumbo said defensivly, his face redder than a tomato.

"OOHH, WHO IS IT?" Grian pesters.

"no one" Mumbo mumbles. Grian continues to pester Mumbo, before mumbo starts to look tired of it. Grian gives up, and goes back to making the list of things he and mumbo will need for school.

"Mumbolio, I think I've done my list" Grian says, rereading his list before peeking over at mumbos.

"Me too." Mumbo replies. "Wanna pack up your sleepover stuff, and Mum can drop you home after we finish this shop?"

"Sure" Grian says, looking over at the clock on Mumbos bedside table. It's a little clock that Grian designed, and Mumbo made, that they both named 'Grumbot'. The time read 10:53am, so Grian packed up his stuff, before saying bye to Mumbos dog, and hopping in the car.

The pair talked on the way there, and pulled out their lists as they entered the store.

Grian starts to read out his list, as mumbo grabs a trolly.

"Pens, mechanical pencils, eraser, sketchbook, calculator, and coloured pencils".

"Why do you need coloured pencils?" Mumbo asks Grian, as he gestures for the short avian to hop in the trolly.

"For drawing." Grian replys shortly as he hops into the trolly. Both boys start going down the isles, picking out the things on their list. Somehow, after both lists are finished, they end up in the clothing section. Grians eyes sparkle as he notices a jumper, and he jumps out of the trolly, and inspects it. It's a red sweater, and Grian immediately takes a liking to it. He rushes off to try it on, and Mumbo follows him to the changing rooms, with the trolly full of items.

"Can you hurry up?" Mumbo half shouts to Grian, "Mum said she's going to be here soon."

"Yup" Grian replys, after trying the sweater on.

"That looks nice, you should get it." Mumbo says to Grian.

"Yeah, but don't you think it looks a bit feminine?" Grian says, trying to mould it into less curvy shape. Grian had been worrying about looking fem, after being bullied at school for it.

"It will be fine. Come on, lets get going, mums here" Mumbo says, pointing to the checkouts.

Both Brits bought their things and headed out to Mumbos car. They dropped Grian home, and grian waved goodbye to Mumbo and his mums before heading inside.

"I'm home," he called, and was greeted by his older sister, Pearl, walking down the stairs to help him take his bags into his room. Grian thanked pearl as pearl sat down on Grians bed.

"What did you get?" Pearl asked, peeking into the bags, using the end of her large light-blue and yellow wings to open them slightly.

"Mostly stuff for school, and a sweater. Have you done school shopping yet?"

"Nah, I'll just use my stuff from last year. Have you gotten your timetable yet?"

"Yeah, I have PE first thing tomorrow morning" Grian sighs. He manages to shoo Pearl out of his room, then getting to work on what was around him. He sorted his stuff out, taking the tags off things, peeling stickers of others and ripping things out of their packaging. He sorts the stationary into the pockets of his pencil case, his books into the colour order matching a subject, and setting his art things aside. Grian packs up the rubbish, puts his bag by his door and grabs starts grabbing the things he needs for his shower when he sees a flash outside his window.

Grian peeks out the window, to see a moving van reverse into the driveway of the house next door. He watched for a while, before seeing a boy around his age hop out of it, along with a man, that Grian could assume was his dad. The boy had long hair, his pointy ears sticking out suggesting he was some sort of elf hybrid. The boy had scars on his face, and along his arms, and his leg. He was wearing shorts, and a dark green shirt. Grian felt his face getting warm and his feathers starting to puff up. Snap out of it, go have a shower, Grian thought,shaking his head. He grabbed his stuff, and headed to the bathroom.


Grian sat at the dinner table, next to pearl, and ate his food quietly. His parents were fighting again, and Grian wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. He and Pearl finished their food, and both lept up to clean their plates and to go to their bedrooms. Grian rushed up to his, wishing Pearl goodnight, and then sat on his bed. He peered out the window, and saw a light on in the window facing his. He closed his curtains and read his book for a bit, before going to sleep.

WOW! First Chapter complete *sigh* I know im not good at writing so pls let me know of any mistakes i make :)      Make sure to hydrate and sleep :P/ge


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