Chapter 3- Grian POV

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When the bus pulled up at the school, Grian tapped Scar on the shoulder to wake him up. They hopped off of the bus together, and Grian had started to just walk off before he felt a small tug on his bag.

"Is it okay if I hold onto your bag while you guide me to some of the classes we have together? I get nervous around crowded halls and sometimes I get lost." Scar said to him.

"Sure" Grian replied. The avian tucked in his wings as they entered the crowded halls, full of lockers and teens being scolded by teachers. Peoples heads were turning as both hybrids trailed down the hall, and whispers could be heard. Things like "Who is the new guy" and "Why's he holding onto Grians bag like that".

"Wait." Grian said stopping suddenly and turned to face Scar.

"Whats your locker number?", he asked. Scar took his timetable out of his bag and looked at his timetable. He looked at Grian confused and asked

"Wheres the locker number?". Grian heaved a sarcastiv sigh and took the timetable from Scars hands. His eyes scanned the page till he found it in the top corner above the days of the week.

"90!" Grian exclaimed. "That's right next to mine. Just over there" he said with a pointed finger. Scar folled him, absentmindedly grabbing onto Grians bag strap.

"This is your code, and to use the code, you spin the dial left, then right, then left again." The brit stifled a laugh when Scars blank expression turned to understanding then confusion as he put his fingers up into an L shape.

"Umm...Is it okay if you do it now, and I'll watch and do it myself next time?" Scar asked Grian with an unreadable expression.

"Sure, if that's easier for you," Grian replied. Both lads put their books in their lockers until Grian hears a farmilliar voice. They turned around.

"GRIAN" Mumbo yelled, smiling.

"MUMBOOO" Grian yelled back. Grian looks over at Scar and taps his shoulder. Scar spins around fast, almost taking out some year 7 kid with his bag. Scar looks over and Mumbo quizicly, as if hes wondering if he can be trusted.

"Mumbo, this is Scar. He's just moved in nect to me." Grian states. "And Scar this is my childhood best friend, Mumbo." The tall boys shake hands, then Mumbo tags along as they leave to get to their first class as the bell was about to ring. They all sit down in their seats, all boys chatting about random subjects. The teacher soon walkes in and introduces himself as Mr Xisuma. The lessions start and the day goes by pretty fast. Grian, Scar and Mumbo join Grians cousin Jimmy (or Timmy as Grian calls him) and his friends Joel, Lizzie and Scott, for lunch, and Scar becomes friends with them all pretty quick. At hometime, Scar asked Mumbo and Grian if they wanted to come over and help him set up his room. Mumbo was busy (his mum's needed help in their café) but Grian was free.

Hey peeps, sorry for the wait, just got a bit busy but I will be trying my best to write and upload more chapter.

Make sure to take care of yourselfs <3


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