A Charming little life

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After I got back to the house, Ella came to meet me outside. I gave her the ice cream, and after noticing what it was she smiled up at me and I kissed her forehead. "Go change into fluffy pjs and enjoy your ice cream baby girl. I'll be in soon," I told her. She nodded and went back in. I got back in the truck and went to the place I needed to plant. After getting the tree and sunflowers put in, I headed to the house. I immediately went for a shower. After an hour of scrubbing I finally felt clean. I put on some fluffy pjs and went to get my ice cream. I joined a sleeping Ella in the living room but kept Supernatural turned on. After a while Harper came up to me and said she'd like to stay for a couple weeks then come out. I told her that was fine and we'd make arrangements. She hugged me and told me she'd see me in the morning. After I bid her goodnight, Happy rounded the corner and sat down beside me. He grabbed one of the blunts from last night, "how are you?" I sighed, "I'm alright, just ready to get this shit dealt with." He nodded and pulled me back against his chest while handing me the blunt. He started lightly scratching all over me with his finger tips, which felt amazing. I couldn't help but sigh in content while hitting the blunt. After the blunt got too small, we just chilled on the couch watching Supernatural. "We leave tomorrow morning. We've got extra gas tanks so we only need to stop for the bathroom or snacks. Is there anything we need to load into the truck for y'all?" "No sweet girl, we can fit all our shit on the bikes. Do you need anything?" I shook my head no "thank you, though!" He nodded, "well I'm off to bed," I said and got up and headed to bed.

After waking up, I packed most of my clothes (that weren't already packed) and took them out to the truck. I saw Ella had already put her stuff in here too. I went back in and saw Ella, Happy, Harper, HalfSack, and Juice at the table. "I can make breakfast or we can grab some on our way out, which do you prefer?," I asked. Harper spoke up first, "will you make biscuits, gravy, bacon, and fried eggs?" I nodded, "Of course, babes! Is everybody good with that?" I heard a bunch of yeas so I set to work. I put the bacon on a sheet and threw it in the oven and started on my biscuits. After about 30 minutes everything was ready so I called it. "If you're eating, come and get it while it's hot!" I started setting out orange juice, milk, and sweet tea - oh and can't forget the chocolate syrup. When I got done with that, Ella was sitting a plate for me at my spot and went with her own plate to her spot. I sit down and we all grab hands. "Lord thank you for this meal that gives us nutrients. We thank you for your sacrifices and constant love. In your name we pray, amen." I gave Harper a little clap before we all started digging in. After everybody finished, I loaded the dish washer and hand washed my pans. After finishing up and making sure the house looked good for when we come back, I hollered out, "alright autobots, ROLL OUT!!" I heard a couple of snickers but I was already walking out. Harper came running up from the barns once she saw us, and I could already see the tears in her eyes. I wrapped her up in a bear hug and rubbed her back. "Don't cry baby girl, you'll be out there before you know it!" She hiccuped and looked up at me," I know but it never gets easier." I nodded at that. Ella grabbed Harper and they said their goodbyes. After Harper hugged Halfsack and headed back down to the barn, we hopped in/on our vehicles and headed out. Ella already had the navigation and music set up so we were rocking!


After 18 hours of driving and 2 food stops, I called it and pulled over in the closest hotel we found. The boys pulled in behind us and we all headed into the office. After taking care of the rooms, we moved to parking spaces and headed in for the night. Me and Ella bunked together while the boys each wanted their own rooms. Ella took her shower first and when I came out of the bathroom from mine, she was fast asleep. I smiled as I plugged in my phone and crawled in beside her. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. At 10, my alarm went off and me and Ella both got up. After changing clothes, I went to put out stuff back into the truck while Ella went to go wake up the boys. After checking out, we went to a little breakfast spot before really hitting the road. We all sat together but no words were really spoken, only food talk. After paying we hit the road for another 12 hours. Damn, Tennessee is farther than I remembered.


We finally passed the "Welcome to Charming" sign that we passed on our 1st trip here. The boys then passed us and led the rest of the way there. When we pulled in, there was already a party in full swing! When we walked in, Tig - the freaky deak - shouted "there's my 2 favorite sexy rodeo ladies!" Me and Ella both busted out in giggles as he grabbed some shots and came towards us. We accepted the shots as Happy and Halfsack made their way towards us. Tig hugged Happy and Halfsack with a "hey brothers." Ella and I took the shot before saying goodnight.

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