The Club House

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After we heard the applause we both blushed and got out. "That was some good singing," said Juice. The others chuckled at his nervousness while he blushed. "Thanks," I said blushing. I turned on my heel and walked to the back of the trailer to unload the trailer (horses). I saw the fence and pointed it out to Ella and she nodded (yes) and we each took a horse and put them by the fence after we rolled out the fake grass that they sleep on. They immediately layed down to go to sleep. We got the other 4 horses (1 at a time). The boys just watched us. We closed the trailer after covering up the horses and I walked out from behind. All I can say is I'm glad I did because some girl was all over Juice and Juice looked miserable so I helped. "Get off of me Ima." "But baby I know you want this," said 'Ima' she said pointing to herself. I laughed and she looked at me expectantly while I tried to stop. "Something funny?" I nodded my head yes. I finally stopped laughing. "So ima give you 1 chance to go before this gets dirty," I said. She looked shocked but then she shocked me. I didn't even think she had the guts... SHE FUCKING SLAPPED ME! Ella tried to hold me back but it was a bad attempt.... I got out of her hold and jumped on this 'Ima' and threw punches left and right not taking a break until I was pulled back into someone's arms while they whispered, "I think that's enough, little girl." It was some bald dude. I nodded while the others, including Juice, looked shocked. I looked at Ella and she had our bags. We went inside while Juice led us where to go. We took Ella to her room first and then Juice got my bags and asked, "do you want to sleep with me or by yourself?" Oh lord, he's already asking me to sleep with him! I  pointed at him and he chuckled but started walking. I followed him like a lost puppy. He led me to his room and I went to the bathroom with my bags. I changed into some yoga pants and a loose T-shirt. I walked back out after I changed, brushed my teeth, and my hair. Juice looked at me and his jaw dropped. I blushed, put my bags down, and crawled in bed beside him. He put his arms around me while muttering goodnight. I cuddled up to him and passed out.

*The Next Morning*

I woke up to find Juice gone but then I heard the shower running. I walked out and into the kitchen to find some of the guys from last night at the bar and a very pretty lady with donuts and coffee behind the bar. "So you're the one that beat up Ima last night," the lady said smirking, "I'm Gemma." Well then.... News gets around fast. "Well hi nice to meet you, I'm Sydney." I went to shake her hand but she pulled me into a hug I laughed a little. I grabbed a cup off coffee and walked out to check on the horses. I walked out and saw Ella grooming Starfire, her barrel racing horse. I walked over and offered her the rest of my coffee she gladly took it from me and I went to the tool box that's in the bed of my truck and got the feed out so I could start making their food and grooming my horse, Ash. I finished mixing the food and grabbed my grooming set for Ash. I walked over and brushed him down then I saw a water hose. I got the water hose and the shampoo & conditioner for Ash. I tied him to a pole and wet his coat. I shampooed his coat and got the scrubby brush and scrubbed his coat. Then I rinsed him and got the conditioner and started mixing it into his coat. After getting him clean I noticed Juice coming out and left Ash to dry. "Hey," I said to Juice. "Hey, you gave me a heart attack, I came out & you were gone." I gave him my best puppy eyes and said, "I'm sorry." He hugged me and I hugged back. "Well I better go get changed into something presentable," I said. "You are presentable, baby, you're very presentable," Juice said. "Well, do you wanna go get breakfast after I change?" I asked. "Sure, did you wanna bring your friend and I'll bring a friend, too?" Juice asked. "Who?" I questioned. "Happy, the bald guy," he told. Ooooooo... Ella is gonna have a ball. I nodded my head and went to Ella telling her to get dressed. I changed into some jeans, a pair of boots, and a blue shirt with a tank top underneath. I wore my horseshoe necklace, a belt, my watch, and the bracelet my brother gave me before going into the military. I walked out and walked into the living room where Juice, the bald guy, and Ella were waiting. "Let's go," I said, walking out of the "clubhouse". I rode with Juice while Ella rode with the bald guy. We went to the diner from last night. We sat at a booth and we looked for what we want. "What can I get y'all to drink?" a girl probably in high school asked looking at Juice like a piece of meat. No shame sis, I be lookin too. But she better cut that shit out. "I'll take the sweet tea," I said. Ella got sweet tea, Juice got coke, and the bald dude got Coke, also. The girl nodded and walked off. "What's your name?" I asked the bald guy. "Happy." Well he doesn't seem to be very happy to me. We went back to looking at the menus when I felt a hand travel to my thigh. I looked up and saw Juice smirking. I smiled and decided on what I wanted. The lady came back and gave everybody their drinks and lent over me to give Juice so she could show off her breasts, he looked disgusted and I was pissed at the little whore, so I did what any woman would do, I took control. I leaned over, after she got off me and Juice and started taking Ella and Happy's orders, and I kissed Juice, rough, and whispered in his ear, "we're gonna explore tonight," while putting my hand on his thigh. He grinned like a little kid in a candy shop and the waitress looked pissed. She took Juice's orders after taking mine. I looked up at Ella after the waitress left and saw her whisper something in Happy's ear, he smirked and whispered something back into Ella's ear. Ella and Happy had a glint in both their eyes and I knew what was happening between them tonight. Me and Ella's eyes caught and we smirked at each other. The lady came back with our food breaking me and Ella's eye contact. We all finished eating and Juice paid. "I have to use the bathroom, I'll meet you outside," I said to Juice. "Okay," he smiled. I walked to the ladies room and threw some water on my face. I was about to walk out when someone pulled my hair. I elbowed whoever was pulling my hair and saw it was that waitress from earlier. Candy. Her name's Candy. "He's mine bitch!" Candy screamed at me. I just punched her in the nose when she came charging at me. I left the bathroom immediately. I got outside and saw Happy and Ella gone. "You okay?" Juice asked me, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, bathroom trouble," I said thinking about what just happened. I grabbed the helmet I had worn over here and climbed on behind Juice. We got back to the clubhouse in no time, and when we got there, all the guys were outside , plus Ella, and I know a cop when I see one. She looked at me, " You Sydney McDavis?" I looked at her, "and you are?" She nodded," Agent Stahl, you're under arrest for assault of Candy Darnell." Juice looked at me," I'll come pick you up." I nodded. She handcuffed me and put me in the back of a squad car.

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