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After checking bars and hotels and asking around I think I might've found something. We know the boys had to drive their bikes so we asked if anyone had seen them. A woman working at the diner said she saw a big group of motorcycles headed south so we were back on the road. About five minutes after leaving the diner I see a warehouse with A LOT of motorcycles. I parked on the side of the road after killing the lights and the engine. I got a call as soon as I parked it said unknown number. I hit answer and put it on speaker to hear "Sydney? Hello? Sydney it's Gemma. Clay hasn't called and no one is answering their phones." I immediately told her everything about the situation. "I'm gonna give you a number it's for a member of the closest charter, call him tell him and they'll help you" I thanked her and she just told me and Ella to come home whole. Me and Ella smiled at each other before we kinda synced in saying "yes ma'am, mama!" We got off the phone and called the charter dude and he said his name is Donut. We told him the rundown of the situation and he sent an address. I told Ella to take the truck as I'm taking point. She nodded as I got a scoped rifle and some supplies. She took off as I found a good spot with a good overlook. I made sure my ringer was off completely then went to look around. As I started down I only took my phone and my Glock .45 leaving everything else there. After getting a general scope of the place I looked for the boys. I saw them and snapped a picture, sending it to Ella. I signaled to Happy who happened to look over and see my mid escape of the place to be quiet and I pointed to my watch with his eyes and a slight nod we broke eye contact and I got out and back to my post. I called Ella as I got back. I lined my sights up while me and Ella talked and she said she was on her way I told her how many hostiles I saw inside and out and gave them a game plan. After about 20 minutes I saw headlights coming then cut off. I did an owl call and she gave me an owl call back letting me know it was her. I called and we discussed the plan with the charter and I told them how to get in and everything. They took everyone on the outside out quietly and continued inside. I kept them covered. Right before they got to the door a man put a gun to Clay's head, so I shot him in the head. After tonight my CK is at 97. They all looked around surprised. I climbed down and headed inside. When I got in Juice tackles me in a hug. Clay walked up to me "I owe you a huge thanks and SOA owes you!" I nodded and said no biggie. The other boys walked up to me (Austin and Dallas) and we nodded at each other while they said they were headed to my truck. The SOA boys proceeded to me and said how awesome (and hot from Tig) that me and Ella did that. Though they did vow to make us spill the beans about who we really are. Though I was super tired and decided I needed sleep. I already put everything back in the truck on my way down. We decided on following them back to their hotel. Me and Ella shared a hotel room with Juice and Happy. Austin and Dallas got a room for themselves. Me, Ella, Austin, and Dallas passed out for a few hours and woke early so we could get breakfast on the way to feed the horses. After eating and giving them food we all fell back asleep with Austin and Dallas going to their setup. I woke up and Ella was gone so I checked my phone. 12:30. Ella : went to ride call if you need anything. I decided I'd join Ella in taking a ride. A couple hours later most of SOA showed up with food so we tied the horses up and headed over. Me and Ella ate and after we were done, Clay started questioning us about last night. Me and Ella looked at each other and nodded. I answered some of the questions before telling Clay now was not the time and we'd talk in Charming we just have to drop the horses and trailer by my house on the way. I guess he liked that answer cause he nodded and we started small talk till the rodeo announcers and staff started showing up. When they got here we broke off to start getting ready, including new numbers for our shirts.

The Country Girl and Her Biker Man (Juice/SONS OF ANARCHY)Where stories live. Discover now