We're here!

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Me and Ella FINALLY made it to the rodeo! When we pulled in, we got our numbers and drove to our parking spot. We got the horses out as soon as we got there. We proceeded to set up camp and get the horses' stuff ready for tomorrow. We've got 2 days to practice in the arena before the big shows! Me and Ella had been talking to Juice and Happy all the way down there and we talked about how we wanted to proceed about relationships and how life would be, if we'd still rodeo. Speak of the devil! Juice just messaged me! "Hey gorgeous, did you make it okay? Everything good? Do I need to come up there and beat someone's ass?" Lmao this man! "No baby, everything is fine! We're setting up camp now! So talk to ya tomorrow?" I messaged back. I got a response almost instantly saying yes and goodnight. I smiled and said goodnight! After we got everything set up and talking to some of our rodeo friends, we headed for some much needed sleep.
I woke up to my alarm and hopped up and got dressed. I proceeded to wake up Ella asking what she wanted for breakfast. "Anything but roller food and beef jerky" she said turning back over and couldn't help but laugh. I fed the horses then left for our food. I searched restaurants in the area and decided on a place called Mary's. I ordered ahead with some gravy biscuits, bacon, a coffee, and a hot cocoa! I got there, payed, grabbed the goods and went on about my day. When I got back Ella was brushing down Starfire. She looked more than happy before running full speed to me. I busted out laughing at my food obsessed friend. She saw what I got and hugged me. I dropped the tailgate so we can sit and eat. Out of nowhere, Dallas and Austin walked up to us with their snarky smirks in their face. Me and Ella looked at each other then turned back to face them."Hey Sydney, Ella we thought you weren't gonna make it. But then realized you were just late as usual.," Dallas said. We had a glare down before busting out laughing with each other and goin in for hugs. "We missed you guys!" I said as Ella said her heys. "Y'all make it okay" me and Ella looked at each other and said "yeah we made it good" Dallas raised his eyebrows as if saying spill the tea so we did. Austin spoke first, "are y'all gonna quit the rodeo if you move?" Ella spoke first that time, "we don't know yet we're still thinking. We don't wanna rush anything though." We all kinda nodded before agreeing on a run together. Ella took Starfire, I took Ash, Dallas took Texas, and Austin took Cash. We went to the arena after tacking up. We ran laps with me and Ella doing some barrel laps with Dallas and Austin timing us. "Y'all might set a new record for state if you keep up that speed," Dallas said to me. I just grinned real wide and Ella smiled up at me too. We practiced a little more then went for a break and to get some lunch. We hit up a local diner and then headed back. We practiced a little more with our other horses before dinner with the rodeo fam and then went to bed.

The Country Girl and Her Biker Man (Juice/SONS OF ANARCHY)Where stories live. Discover now