Chapter 12 All of volume 4

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Y/m = Your mom
Y/f = your father
H/c = hair color
F/f= favorite food
F/c = favorite color
H/l= hair length
F/d= favorite drink
M/n= mother name
F/n= Father name
YF/n = Your fake name
*Whisper* 'sarcastic or mock' (thoughts) *cough

3rd Pov:

"Your mother is...interesting for a queen. I don't mean it in a bad way." Pyrrha said.
"I know. She can be crazy at times, then again she was a lady of adventure. She doesn't care about her place, she just does what she wants. But she does have to work still." Y/n said.
"Yo! The groups up there." B/f said.
Y/n looked up.
"Ruby!" Y/n yelled.
"Y/n! Pyrrha! B/f!." Ruby yelled.
"Pyrrha! Y/n!" Jaune yelled, hugging Pyrrha.
"Hey! What about me!" B/f said.
"Oh sorry." Jaune said.
"Let's get going." Y/n said.


Ren and Nora were trying to make up a team name like RNJR or something.
The ground started to shake.
"It's here." Jaune said.
Ruby shot at a Grimm stone giant.
Ruby fell off landing in tree's.
Y/n rushed in and sliced the Stone giant with her sword but it flinged her back.
Pyrrha shot her spear at the mask but the Grimm was still alive.
"Ugh...Pyrrha give Nora a boost with your shield.
Nora hit the Grimm with your hammer on the face." Y/n commanded.
"Ren, Jaune try to find a weak point on its head or legs." Y/n said.
"Ruby and I will find many ways to hurt it." Y/n said, slicing the leg.
Pyrrha held her shield up. Nora ran and jumped on the shelf getting boosted up.
Nora smashed her hammer on the Grimms face, making it fall down.

The giant fused a tree to its body making a leg.
Y/n was gonna slice it again but turned to flames.
Jaune ran towards the group.
"Guys I have a plan. Why don't we just hit it harder!" Jaune yelled.
"We alr-"" No Y/n I think he means breaking it apart. If the Grimm keeps fusing new limbs it will get us nowhere." Pyrrha said.
"Now that makes sense." Y/n said.
Pyrrha broke a leg and arm off of the giant with the help of Y/n.
Ruby used her semblance with Nora to break the giant's body.
The Grimm ran out of the stone body and tried running away but Ruby shot its face.
"Nice shot Ruby." Y/n said.


"Thanks for helping us out." A man said, shaking Ruby's hand.
"Just doing our job, Sir!" Ruby said.
"That Geist had been plaguing our village for weeks. We were beginning to wonder if we'd have to relocate." The man said.
"Well, we are on our way to Mistral..." Ruby said.
"You could always come along with us if you don't feel safe!" Ruby said.
"Pyrrha do you want a drink?" Y/n said.
"Sure, Y/n." Pyrrha answered.
"Hello Ms. What could I get for ya." B/f said.
"What the hell are you doing working here." Y/n said.
"Hey I just need money." B/f said, joking.
"We fought a Geist without you." Y/n said.
"Yeah, yeah so what can I get you two for your secret date." B/f said.
"Oh no, it's not like that!" Pyrrha said, waving her hands in front of herself.
"Yeah, why do you always think when I'm with a woman, I'm on a date with them or doing something sexual." Y/n said.
"Probably because you have." B/f said.
Y/n glared at her.
"Now order!" B/f yelled.
"What do you want, Pyrrha?" Y/n said.

After drinks.

"Come on, B/f."
"Hold up. I'm quitting my job." B/f said.
"How do you keep getting these jobs? Y/n has told me stories when you guys were little." Pyrrha asked.
"None of the managers could tell me to leave because I just told them I was with Y/n's group." B/f said.
"Ah- okay." Pyrrha said.
"Let's catch up with the others." Y/n said.

"What about ammo?"
"Locked and loaded! Thank you Schnee Dust Company." Nora said.
"Got a map?"
"Ren has it." Nora said.
"No Pyrrha has it." Ren said.
"I thought Jaune had it." Pyrrha said.
"We forgot the map..." Jaune said.
"You forgot the map." Y/n corrected.
Ruby was silent the whole time.
"Ruby, are you okay?" Pyrrha asked.
"Oh! Pyrrha I'm fine." Ruby said.
"Okay, I'm just checking, you know after the attack." Pyrrha said.
"That's nice of you. But I'm fine." Ruby said.
(I wonder how Weiss, Yang and Blake are?) Y/n thought.
"I'm sure they're fine! Weiss, Blake and Yang are fine." B/f said.
"Oh I said that out loud?" Y/n said.
"No. Your face says everything." B/f said.

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