Chapter 21 No more games.

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Y/m = Your mom
Y/f = your father
H/c = hair color
F/f= favorite food
F/c = favorite color
H/l= hair length
F/d= favorite drink
M/n= mother name
F/n= Father name
YF/n = Your fake name
*Whisper* 'sarcastic or mock' (thoughts) *cough

I cut off the last part of 'What a game of emotions we play' So you can skip it if you already know. Just a heads up.

3rd Pov

"Jaune..." Y/n said.

"Oh my gosh, it's you, the Rusted Knight!" Blake said.
"You did good, Juniper. Team RWBY." Jaune said.
Team RWBY was shocked.
Y/n looked at a bug.
"Psst, I know your deepest darkest secret. Bye-bye." The bug said.
(This place is... interesting...) Y/n thought.
"It is you guys, right?" Jaune asked.
"Jaune, it's us." Ruby said.
"You coming in for a hug Y/n?" Yang asked.
"Uh, yeah." Y/n said, walking to them.

"How did you find us?" Ruby asked.
"How are you the Rusted Knight?" Blake asked.
"And when did you get so---."
"Mature~." Weiss said.
Everyone gave judging looks.
"You are no longer my friend..." Y/n said.
"What!?" Weiss exclaimed.
"What happened in Atlas? After the rest of us fell." Ruby asked Jaune.
"I uh... I guess we all have a little catching up to do." Jaune sighed.

"Y/n! Listen---."
"I heard enough, Schnee." Y/n turned around.
Weiss's sniffles were heard.
"I was joking, Schnee..."
"No you aren't! Call me Weiss already!"
Y/n stared.


"She's got two relics now?" Ruby asked.
"Cinder has the ability to get another." Yang said.
"She doesn't know where the Beacon relic is." Blake said.
"Well there's that to be thankful for." Weiss said.
Y/n zoned out.
(We're all reverting back to our past selves...)
"We've lost Atlas and the Relic..." Ruby's voice sounded hopeless.
"But we got people out of there safely. Jaune said so." Blake said.
"We risked their home to save the relic and we failed." Weiss said.
Y/n walked away.
"Oi! Watch where you're stepping!" A bug said.
"Red?" Y/n asked.
"Nevermind. You don't look so well. Care to share? Spill the tea." Red said.

"I don't know..." Y/n said.
"Ms. You have to be more explainable. What do you not know?" Red said.
"I found all of my friends but I'm contemplating on what to do. Something about this place isn't right."
"What do ya need to do?" White asked.
"That's what I'm thinking!" Y/n yelled.
"Don't raise your voice at me!" White yelled.
"Have you tried seeing your task?" Black asked.
"That's...not a bad idea. I'm pretty sure we're trying to get to safety." Y/n said.
"Which safety? We have lots." Yellow said.
"Why are these questions so difficult?" Y/n asked.
"When you think about it. They aren't really hard. You are trying to get to the tree right?" Yellow asked.
Y/n nodded.
"Before you go to the tree I need to tell you that the tree.---."
"Y/n come on!" Yang yelled.
"I have to go." Y/n said.
"Wait no!" Red yelled.

The group was walking.
"So where are we going again?" Yang asked.
"My village. I still can't believe you made it all the way to the kingdom all alone." Jaune said.
"Not alone we had some help. The...oh I hope the cat is okay." Blake said.
"What cat?" Jaune asked.
"That cat!" Little yelled.
The Curious Cat came.
"Guh, woo, I found you. Why is that you always find the thing you're looking for in the very last place you look? Huh? Jaune, it has been a interlapted time hasn't it? " The Curious Cat asked.
"Wait, you two know each other?" Weiss asked.
"Well they have to." Ruby said.
"I want to be determined to escape this place but...It's really hard not to get annoyed." Y/n said.

Jaune pulled his sword out.
"Jaune! I think this has been a misunderstanding. The cat can get us out of here!" Blake yelled.
"We don't have time for this! We have to get to my village!" Jaune yelled.
"But your friends wanted to go to the tree." The Curious Cat said.
"That's where you're letting him take you!?" Jaune yelled.
"Well, yeah, that's how Alix got out right?" Blake said.
"You didn't tell them, did you?" Jaune asked.
"It's going to be some dark fairytale. Alix was probably dead the whole time. The tree is probably something bad." Y/n said.
"Not fully wrong." The Curious Cat said.
"It absorbs memories, if you go to that tree it'll erase you! They call it Ascension here." Jaune yelled.
"Wait...the tree is the one that causes Ascension?" Ruby asked.

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