Chapter 22 Back.

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Y/m = Your mom
Y/f = your father
H/c = hair color
F/f= favorite food
F/c = favorite color
H/l= hair length
F/d= favorite drink
M/n= mother name
F/n= Father name
YF/n = Your fake name
*Whisper* 'sarcastic or mock' (thoughts) *cough

Lol, that is so true. Well, the bottom one is true. Jaune shouldn't be the main character. Never. Afterall, we have these four wonderful girls as them.

3rd POV

Y/n heard callings of Ruby and ran to them.
"Y/n!" Yang yelled, hugging her.
"I'm alright, let's go find Ruby." Y/n said.
Shots were heard and the group ran to them.
It took a while but they made it.
Neo was there and she crushed Little.
"N-no" Y/n yelled.
Neo smirked and put a teacup of the trees leaves in front of Ruby.

Ruby looked at the group in the eyes and took a drink of the leaves.
"Ruby!" Y/n yelled.
Vines grew over her.
The cat frowned.
Neo stood still. She finally did it... She killed Ruby...what can she do now?
"I-I hate you!" Y/n yelled to the cat.
"Don't worry...I found a better solution to my problem." The Cat said.
The cat blew everyone away and ran to Neo.
Jaune and Y/n ran to Neo and the cat.

"No!" Jaune yelled.
The Cat ran away in Neo's body.


The group chased after the Cat/Neo but lost him.
Somehow they made it back to the village.
"I don't understand...What did I do wrong..?" Jaune said.
"There's got to be a way out to get to the tree." Weiss said.
"Hello there! You seem upset. Could you be kind and tell us why you're upset? Are you hungry?" The...Crystal Pleaser asked.
"No, what are you?" Jaune asked.
"We are the Geo pleasers. We have been sent to clean up this beautiful land and create something wonderful and pleasing." The Geo Pleaser said.
The Geo pleasers were moving water and picking up the paper.
"This is them isn't it?" Blake asked.
"It's what they said. They came back better." Weiss said.
"No flood or fire will ever hurt them again." Yang said.

"I've been holding them back and have been selfish. I just wanted to feel the rush of saving someone." Jaune said.
"I think you're asking too much of yourself. We've been telling ourselves that failing means no good. But I can guarantee that the best Huntsmen in history...they all lost. But they were still incredibly brave...and Wise." Weiss said.
"Weiss..." Jaune said.
"Get in here Y/n!" Yang said.
"I'm good." Y/n said.
"If you join in I'll give you a kiss." Yang said.
Y/n thought for a moment and joined in.
Weiss rolled her eyes.


"Ruby!?" Yang called out.
A tree statue of Ruby was there.
Yang ripped off the leaves and Vines on the statue.
Jaune walked over.
"We need to get her out!" The colorful leaves kept reappearing.
"I get it. This is why the tree brought us here. Acceptance..." Jaune said.
"We've done everything we can. Now it's up to Ruby... whatever happens next we have to welcome that." Weiss said.
"But what if she isn't Ruby anymore when she comes back out?" Yang asked.
Cracking was heard.
"The Herbalist?" Y/n asked.

The Herbalist turned into a huge butterfly.
"We'll get Ruby out of here. Everyone changes..." Y/n said.


Neo/Cat ran to the door but was kicked back.
He did it many times but failed. Weiss walked forward.
"Oh good. You made it." The cat said.
"I guess your little plan to get out of here isn't working?" Weiss asked.
"You've always been the worst of the bunch." The cat said, doing a pose.
"So Neo can't go through the door." Jaune said.
"No...She has no attachments to your world. Nothing to go to. She has failed me. Just like Alix did." The cat said.
"Like Alix?" Blake said.
"The cowardly reckless girl who you've foolishly been following along. The same girl I followed because she promised me that I'd go back to Remnant with her. But in truth, she had no intention of taking me. So after talking to the tree she had a sudden crisis. Deciding she wanted to fix everything she had broken in the Everafter, including poor Jaune and so Lewis went in but at the very last moment Alix didn't." The Cat said.
"What did you do to her?" Blake asked.
The cat laughed.
Y/n pulled her weapon out.

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