First Cadaver

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Dear Jesus,

'Time is constantly moving, and I feel like I'm stuck watching a ticking time bomb.'

Jesus, I'm literally freaking out right now as I write this entry. I'm shaking in my flip-flops. Maybe it was all just a coincidence. Or a trick of luck, you know?
In my guts, I know what happened today wasn't a special effect in a thriller movie. It was real. And it could have only been You.

I should be excited out of my wits but I'm scared. Did I go too far with this whole obedience thing? Have I exposed myself as a prime target for more demons? I seriously don't know what to think.

The story begins when I woke up from a dream around 3:30 am. I dreamt that I was in surgery, and I was operating on Mr Ezekiel's body as the chief surgeon. I removed a spongy greenish-black mass out of his abdomen. Immediately, vigour flowed back into his lifeless body, like a swirling pink streak of blood being transfused.

At first, when I woke up, I thought the dream was strange. I wasn't planning to specialise in a surgery major. Perhaps I was simply overwhelmed by the thoughts of my coming anatomy practical.

Then, the thought of my last one-on-one conversation with him resurfaced. If he claims his name isn't Ezekiel, then what's his real name? Was that a bequeathed name? By who? Or was he just as confused as everyone else seemed to be about his case?

I prayed. Mostly in the spirit because I didn't know exactly what to pray for since the details about his life were murky. Not wanting to disturb the girls, I moved to the living room and prayed in every posture imaginable for a long time. Kneeling, lying on the floor, sitting, standing, pacing, facing the wall, groaning... It was so heavy on me, the burden. Sometimes I felt heat in my belly, a tightening in my chest, and I cried a lot, not knowing exactly what for.

Though I soon began to feel drowsy, I fought against it and prayed harder. And that was when the weirdest thing happened. It's been such a long time and I was startled at first. In a vision, I saw a familiar insignia, one I first saw about two years ago, when that plane-crash that Dad narrowly escaped happened. It was the lion symbol, surrounded by thorns. Then, I saw a queue of my friends and acquaintances. The insignia rolled over their heads and sat on some of them. Lori, Bianca, Mr Ezekiel and, shockingly Abdul, my class rep. Then, I heard the echo of sinister laughter. The inflicter's voice.
A slice of fear passed through my senses, but it immediately got morphed into holy anger as I regained consciousness of my surroundings.

I wasn't the devil's plaything. I know it's his lousy job to keep the chaos in the world running and to meddle in the lives of those who love God, especially mine, but I was getting sick of this silly game he was playing. I've been on the defensive for too long. It was high time I took the offensive stance. In my spirit, I felt the Holy Spirit unleashing certain anointings over me as I pressed harder in prayer. Like, the Deborah anointing—to lead an army for the Lord and win back souls and territories; the Gideon anointing—to break down altars of idols; the David anointing—to bring down demonic strongmen.
I just had the knowing in my spirit. It gave me courage.

After the burden had lifted, I took some precious moments to be quiet in Your presence, soaking in Your essence, imagining You smiling down at me warmly as I leaned on Your chest.

Thereafter, I opened my Bible and continued my study on Judge Deborah. It's been amazing what I've learnt from that enigmatic woman's life. And I've not even gotten to the part of Jael's bravery. Those were the real slay queens of the Bible.

Our exams begin in the next two weeks, so we're in a rush to complete all our practical sessions ASAP. If one doesn't pass the 70% benchmark in the core courses, one wouldn't move to the next level. It is in that manner that they intend to prune out students gradually until only the very resilient and academically strong are left.

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