chapter 9: the decision

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TW: mentions of abuse, DV

The two women sat comfortably for the next 10 minutes, Vivian whispering words of affirmation into Siobhan's ear, reminding her it was ok, that she was safe, and that none of this was her fault. Siobhan had lost all proper connection to Earth, she couldn't stop the sobs ripping through her chest. It was absolutely destroying Viv's heart to see the blonde like this. So vulnerable, so fragile, so hurt.

As the day passed by, the 2 women remained wrapped in each other's arms, not a single word was spoken, but it was not needed. The silence was comforting, it brought more security to the blonde then any words ever could. Siobhan had drifted off a few times in Vivian's arms, before she would startle herself awake. It made Vivian worry, what was happening in that pretty little mind of hers. A connection had been made, and it could not be broken. Vivian was in this for the long haul now. There was no turning back, and she wouldn't change it for the world.

Whilst Viv had only made assumptions about what could possibly be happening behind the doors of Roger's mansion, it wasn't hard to guess. Siobhan flinched at any loud noise; before now, she would hate the idea of anyone touching her, and there were faded bruises on her body. He was hurting her, and Siobhan felt she had to do it alone. From this day forward, she would never be alone.

It warmed Vivian's heart to know that the blonde felt safe in her arms, it was not something she'd take for granted, she would happily be the safety and security Siobhan needed. She would do anything for her. Anything.

Siobhan jolted herself awake once more, a wave of panic rushing through her, "What time is it?" She was desperately looking for her phone. "It's 1pm my sweet..." Siobhan pulled herself off of Viv's chest, "... it's ok, just take a breath. Do we need to get you home?" Siobhan finally finding her phone tucked underneath her leg.

7 missed calls and many messages filled her screen...

"Shit. Yes I need to get home now, Roger's waiting there for me, he's going to be so angry!" Viv found Siobhan's hand, holding it tight.

"It's okay, it'll all be okay, just take a deep breath for me."

It'll all be okay

The words lingered in Siobhan's mind again, she desperately tried to suppress the tears filling her eyes. She was safe. Viv was her safe person now. It'll all be okay.

The blonde took a minute to compose herself before standing up slowly with the help of Viv. They made sure all the letters were placed back in the box, before securing the lid back on. Siobhan's phone started ringing. Roger.

She looked down at it before quickly looking at Vivian, nothing but worry filling her beautiful blue eyes. She answered;

"Siobhan where the fuck are you?" His voice was filled with anger, he was mad.

"I'm sorry.." Siobhan's voice broke, "I went for a walk. I didn't hear my phone, I'm so sorry."

Viv continued to hold Siobhan's hand tight, gently rubbing her thumb over the back of it, reminding her she was safe, helping her stay grounded.

"Get your arse home NOW!" Siobhan froze, unable to form any words, she just simply waited for him to hang up. He did.

Their eyes locked again, Siobhan started shaking before falling into Vivian's arms once more. The blonde was in no state to be driving. "I'll drive, come on. It's going to be okay." The 2 pulled apart, Vivian cupping Siobhan's face before gently wiping the tears running down her cheeks. "You're not alone okay, I'm here." The smallest smile appearing on the blondes face.

They made their way over to Siobhan's car, Viv opening the passenger door, helping the blonde in before making her way around to the drivers side. Vivian gently placed her hand on Siobhan's thigh, rubbing her thumb across it as they made the short journey back to Roger's house.

The silence that filled the car was not the same silence that they shared at the lake, there was tension and worry, Siobhan was terrified.

"Vivian you need to take the box, I can't have it in the house with me." Vivian looked over at Siobhan, looking deep into her eyes for any hesitation, she found none.

"Are you sure?" Siobhan nodded quickly, before taking a deep breath. "He will destroy it if he finds it. It's far too special." The blondes voice cracked as the tears threatened to fall once more. Vivian knew exactly how important this box was to Siobhan. It contained too much love and vulnerability to be brought into a place filled with such pain and suffering. It had a piece of Siobhan's heart laying within, she needed to keep it safe; and she would. She would protect it with everything she had.

As they pulled into the driveway. Siobhan's heart dropped, her stomach started churning. There he stood, one hand in his pocket, the other hand holding a glass of whiskey. She had a long night ahead of her. She was terrified.

But Siobhan knew she now had Viv, she had someone in her corner. She knows Vivian was destined to find her at the lake, she knew Lottie had sent her to protect her. Even from far away, her beloved Grandma was still finding a way to keep her safe. It'll all be okay...

... for now.

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