Chapter 2- Introductions

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Minutes after I read the news, reporters came swarming in at our school with their cameras ready.



The two girls shouted their lungs out, looking and pointing out the window. Everyone started screaming and rushed outside.

"Chan Young-Ah it's them!" Kyungie said while grabbing me by the arm and pulling me outside.

"Wait, Kyungie-Ah!" she didn't bother listening to me so basically, I was dragged out by force.

Outside, everyone gathered around a van, it was a celebrity van and I'm guessing it's SEVENTEEN's.

Flashes of light blinded my eyes as the reporters took generous amounts of pictures.

Kyungie finally let go of me and joined the so called 'gathering', I guess she's a fan of them too.

I shrugged and went back to class.


I have to say, I absolutely don't get why they're so hung up about them. They're just regular guys who can sing and dance.

However, there was this one thing that made me a tad excited about SEVENTEEN coming. It's Dino, Dino's my younger brother but I suggested we keep that as a secret between us, Kyungie and JeongHan. (JeongHan's my best friend by the way, we were friends ever since we were 5 years old along with Kyungie. Don't get me wrong, I am super excited to see him, it's been years.)

I look at the clock, it's 8:10am. Our teacher will be here any moment now. I got my books out waiting for our teacher, Mrs.Song until...

"Attention students, please go back to your respective classes and remain seated. I repeat, please go back to your respective classes and remain seated."

Our principle(or as some of you may say head teacher or head master) Mr. Hong declared but honestly, I don't think it's helping.

It was almost time for class and no one except the boys and I were in class. I knew that this situation isn't going to settle any time soon so I stood up and went to see Mr.Hong.

"Mr.Hong?" I knocked the door to the principle's room.

"You may enter." Mr.Hong replied shortly after.

"Mr.Hong, may I suggest something...?"

"Attention students, if you do not return to your respective classes in 5minutes, all of you will have a month's worth of detention. Even if only one person's caught absent in class after the allotted time, every single one of you goes to detention. That is it, I'm not making myself repeat this." Mr.Hong announced minutes after I returned to my class. (I wouldn't want people to know it was my idea so...)

It definitely worked this time. Everyone and I mean everyone, rushed to their classes after the announcement was made. Thank goodness it's all over now.

After the environment calmed, I saw the boys from the van eventually coming out from their van, reporters still taking pictures by the way. After everyone is finally present, Mrs.Song stepped in.

"Sorry class for the unexpected inconvenience. I'm also sorry to tell you guys that I will be moving all the boys in this class to different classes."

As Mrs.Song said that, everyone knew where this is going. Did I forget to mention that my class has a solid number of 13 boys?

The boys didn't complain at all, which is a good thing? They packed everything in their bags and stood up.

"Boys, please line up in front me."

The boys obediently listened and did what they're told.

"Before you guys leave, I'd like you guys to greet a few people. You can come in now."

Everyone(mostly naming girls) squealed uncontrollably as 13 guys entered the room.

"Bow to them as you leave." Mrs.Song stated.

At least this time the situation isn't as crazy as earlier. The boys gradually left as they bowed to SEVENTEEN.

"Introduce yourselves." Mrs.Song noted.

"Hello, I'm the leader of SEVENTEEN. You can call me S.Coups."

Hi, my name is DK. Main vocal and 'energy' of SEVENTEEN."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jun from the performance team!"

"Hello I'm Mingyu, the rising 'visual' member of the group!"

"Hello I'm SeungKwan, one of the main vocalists of SEVENTEEN."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Wonwoo from the hip-hop team!"

"Hello I'm Woozi, leader of the vocal team!"

"Hi I'm Hoshi, the '10:10' of SEVENTEEN and the leader of the performance team unit."

"Hi I'm the 'cool cutie' of the group, The8!"

"Hey guys, I'm Vernon. I'm part of the hip-hop unit."

"Hi I'm SEVENTEEN's gentleman Joshua, nice to meet you."

"Hello I'm JeongHan, part of the vocal unit."

"Hi I'm Dino, the 'small giant' and the youngest member of the group."

After the last one(my baby brother) introduced himself, they energetically greeted together saying, "Please take good care of us!".



Here's a longer chapter for you guys, I didn't really gave much attention to Chapter 1 since first chapters aren't usually exciting so I cut it short for Chapter 1.

Chapter 2 ain't all that exciting as well since the boys just came, but I hope you look forward to Chapter 3!


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