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the morning to come had a more sad aroma to it, or maybe thats just what gabby was feeling. she didnt want to leave, she really wanted to stay.
maybe because she knew she would part ways from juicy for a while, even though he didnt live too far from her. it was only around an hour.

she couldnt bare the thought of having to leave without even consulting with gaege first. it was a feeling she did not want to be feeling.

as she slowly packed her bags she let out a long breath and looked up at juicy who had all of his things packed up already

"we need to talk gaege" she said very abruptly, gaining his attention.

he stared up over at her and nodded, walking over "whatsup? you alright?" he asked softly, placing his hand on her arm. she could feel her palms grow sweaty (knees weak arms are heavy) and her mouth dry out "um.."

"do you remember the other night?"

"kind of but not really, whys that?"

"do you remember"


"do you remember when you kissed me?"

she whispered, slowly looking up at him. his eyes widened and his jaw clenched, now it was starting to flood in. how could he have not remembered that?
his breathing grew more heavy as he opened his mouth "i-..i kissed you?" he questioned, gulping.
"yeah..well-we- i kissed back so i guess- WE kissed" she stammered to explain.
"um- fuck, i remember now thats for sure." he murmered, looking down and scratching the back of his head.

"i just wanted to know... did you mean.. did you mean it when you said i was beautiful?" she tilted her head and slowly grew a tad bit more confident to speak up more.

"i mean- i do, yeah , i do! i think youre gorgeous ofcourse" gaege shamelessly admitted as his face turned a bright pink

"do...do you like me? gaege?"

"i....." he started before sitting back onto his bed, head in his hands. gabby looked down at him and felt her stomach churning
"we couldnt happen, gab" he shook his head in denial and sighed "your- your brother would bury me" he gulped and shifted his hands from his face , to his knees, rubbing them.

"but do you like me, gaege?" gabby started in almost a begging tone.

"i- yes i do." he admitted, sighing
"ofcourse i do, how couldnt i... but i need you to know i- i value eddie and i couldnt do that to him, knowing very well he has already made it clear he didnt want anything to happen. it would ruin our friendship going behind his back" he ranted as he looked up to her with sorrow filling his eyes.

all of gabbys hopes came crashing down to the floor as she dropped her head slightly, blinking as hard as she could to avoid tears from forming "i understand." she whispered before turning on her heels and stepping the other way. right before she could walk any further gaege hopped up and grabbed her by the wrist, turning her to face him

his lips came crashing into hers, once again, and it was absolute bliss. the tear in her eyes slowly rolled down her cheek as she immedietly kissed back.
she never wanted it to end, but ofcourse it did as he pulled back.
"lets just let it lie from here, okay?" he whispered, using his thumb to wipe her tear. it pained him to not be able to have this girl but unfortunately the cards were just not out for them here.

gabby nodded understandingly and smiled a little "i really like you gaege" she sadly whispered "im sorry." she looked down

"its not your fault goofball, its just not our time" he said before pulling her in for a hug.

once they broke it the door opened, and there stood mully "woah, whats going on here fellas?"

they immedietly split and turned to mully "just saying goodbye" juicy said simply. "ah okay, well bring it in you guys"

gabby walked over and into mullys arms, same with mully "i will miss you guys" mully smiled "but! we will all be together soon. filminggg!" he called out, raising a finger in the air as they broke the hug and all followed him down the hall with their bags.

gabby did feel a bit better but the guilt in her stomach never left, and only eddie could read that facial expression.

—— the airport
the goodbyes at the airport were both sad but lighthearted, it was going to be long till they all reunite. mully and josh were planning on moving to america soon so it wouldnt be hard for everyone to group and make videos together again.
but for now, the long trip home was the main worry.
juicy approached gabby to say goodbye and gave her a sad smile "ill catch you next time? you need anything im an hour away" he smiled kindly, bringing her in for a hug. "bye gaege" she whispered as she held him tight, nuzzling her head into his chest.

as the two parted ways she felt her eyes well a little, shaking her head as she walked down to her plane "you okay muchacho?" eddie looked over at her, seeing the sad expression on her face. eddie felt a little worried for her as she had been acting kind of off all day.

she only nodded in response and looked at her phone "wanna talk about it?" he questioned as he put a hand on her shoulder "no..not right now" she mumbled as she looked at the ground

juicyfruitsnacks // unrequited loveWhere stories live. Discover now