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"So.. here we are."

The welcoming warm light, the voice of nature, the smell of freedom.. it is certain.. Horror is finally on the outside world. He looks around his surroundings, not believing what he's witnessing, thinking it was a simulation of some sort but it's hard to think like that when everything feels so real.

The texture of the ground consisting of dirt, grass, and a bunch of rock makes it so believable that he's finally out of that cursed prison. Was all of this just a dream? A hallucinations? Horror thought to himself.

He then looks towards Gaster!Sans who did nothing but smoke as he leaned to the wall of the building where Horror was kept previously. Horror slowly walks back towards Gaster!Sans with disbelief and denial that he let the troubled teenager wander outside.

"Why.. are you.. letting someone like me.. free?..." Horror asks with a slight whisper.

"...I can't answer that question." Gaster! Sans responds after he lets out a couple of smokes.

"..." As Horror stares at Gaster!Sans with his hand trembling nonstop, he proceeded to head back to the building. Making his way back to his cell.

Gaster!Sans didn't expect this.. weird behavior. Most prisoner who have been set free are going to enjoy the rest of their days outside after so long being isolated. But oddly.. not for this kid.

"Hey, where are you going?" Gaster!Sans ask with concern.

"..." Horror stayed silent as he went deeper into the inside of the building.

"Don't you want to.. stroll or... watch a bird or whatever it is you love doing?" Gaster!Sans ask once again like a husband not knowing what his wife wants with some more complexity.

"My father used to tell me.. if I want something so great it becomes too good to be true... I must earn it myself.. or something like that.. I don't know..." Said Horror as he stopped walking further.

"Hmm.. seems like your father is quite the wise man." Said, Gaster!Sans with secretly no interest in this conversation.

"Heh.. thank you.. you really remind me of... Some certain someone I used to spend time a lot with... Oddly, I don't know who they are.. or what are they're names were.."

As Gaster!Sans try to think of another word to let out, he notices tears are starting to flow out of Horror's eyes. Oddly, he let out those tears with a nonchalant face, as if he didn't realize how much pain he faced by himself after all this time.

Gaster!Sans, who didn't know what to do, only stood there. He only continues to smoke for a while before an idea comes to mind.

"Hey, why don't we clear our heads by taking a walk together? Maybe you'll find out who's that important person while at it." Gaster!Sans slowly walks towards Horror and grabs his shoulder.

"Might.. be a good idea..." Horror tears start to stop flowing as he looks towards Gaster!Sans with a slightly creepy smile.

"Don't smile ever again."

"Sorry.." with that, Horror's smile comes back to his usual frown.

With that settled, Gaster!Sans told Horror to change his clothes to a more casual one in the clothing room nearby. The jacket/hoodie Horror loves wearing is kept there as there's nowhere else to put it. With that, Horror changes his appearance to his usual clothing whenever he goes out.

While changing, he stares at the jacket/hoodie for a little bit. Knowing that some memory in his head is tied to this very clothes. After Horror was just about to figure it all out, Gaster!Sans yells to hurry up as time is ticking. So of course, he did what he's exactly been told to do.. like a good boy, he is. :]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26 ⏰

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