Chapter 4

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"Hey, guys, I want you all to meet Erin."

Like the day before, I'm following Carlos as he takes me through the same route. This time once we reach the English building, we go straight once we're inside. It's bigger than the classrooms we passed by yesterday but smaller than an auditorium, where a course with a lot of students are held.

There's three rows of long, rectangular tables. All are currently empty at the moment as the guidance session has yet to start, but at the desk towards the front, there's a small group of people.

That's where Carlos and I end up as he introduces me to everyone. I lightly wave my hand at them.

"Erin, this is Ruth." He points to the volunteer furthest to the right. She's as short as me but thinner. With luscious, blonde curls at a shoulder's length. She grins at me amiably.

Carlos goes down the line to the next person. "This is Presly."

He has beautiful, dark skin. His eyes match in color. He doesn't offer me a friendly greeting. Just bows his head slightly.

"And, this is Avi."

Avi appears to be younger than the rest of us aside from Carlos. They look around the same age, but even being so youthful, she's tall. Maybe around 6 or 7 inches taller than me.

She waves back at me. "Hi."

There's a second where no one says anything before Carlos speaks up again.

"Well, we should probably prep the tables before other students get here." Carlos faces me. "I can show you the ropes. Not that there's much to learn."

"Sounds good."

Carlos picks up a stack of papers that were on the desk and hands it over to me. The one on top has a list of prompts. Below them are tips and tricks on how to begin writing each one.

"It's just a little something to spark inspiration and get the creative juices flowing," Carlos says as he takes a hold of another pile and places it on the left side of the first long table.

I do the same, putting my stack on the other end.

"That's a great idea. Who thought of it?"

"Avi." He returns to the front, picks up some more papers, and nods at her.

"She and I have a couple classes together. We volunteer for the same reason. To hone our writing skills by helping others. Plus, sometimes we get the motivation we need to finish our work while we're here."

Clever, I think.

That's where it stays because I suddenly notice the way Avi looks at Carlos. I'm rather observant. I can pick up on the smallest hints, but I don't have to this time. Avi's longing expression is obvious. Probably not to Carlos considering not a couple days ago he was interested in me.

He's either oblivious or chooses not to see what's right in front of him, because he continues what he's doing without a glance.

I shouldn't insert myself in it, but I do anyway.

"How long have you two been friends?"

Avi's face flushes at the question while Carlos answers.

"We grew up together. Went to the same schools. Even lived in the same neighborhood, just on different roads. Our parents were friends too."

He walks to the second table with more papers and does the same thing as the first one. I glimpse at Avi. All she does is acknowledge what he says with a slight tilt of her head.

Dead Ends // Hugh JackmanWhere stories live. Discover now