Chapter 17

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The next 2 days go by smoothly.

I hardly see Hugh with his busy schedule. It ends up working out because I receive an audio to transcribe, and I have time to work on my query letter and synopsis without any distractions.

Downside is I haven't gotten to get the full tourist experience. It's not a priority, but I was hoping to go somewhere, anywhere really.

During dinner, which is about the only time I've seen Hugh, last night, I mentioned it briefly. I guess it was enough though because now I have my own security following me around while I visit Central Park. It's the first place I could think of without having to search sights to see. I also figured it was as good as any to start with.

It's the middle of the week and early afternoon, and it's still pretty crowded. It doesn't take away from its beauty, but I wouldn't say I'm in awe. There's nothing all that fascinating about it honestly. Maybe it's because I would spend summers in Utah near the mountains and forests, so this isn't all that new for me.

I guess for those who've lived in a city their whole life, surrounded my metal frames and man made creations, this is a great place to escape to.

Spending the last three days indoors, this is exactly what I need. To get some fresh air and touch some grass, in every sense. Though Hugh's apartment isn't at all small, I still felt very confined. It's nice to get out.

After Central Park, I went on a tour of 2 museums.

The history is a refresher. Not that I was any good at the subject back in school. There were so many dates and people to memorize, I didn't have the brain capacity for it.

Can't exactly forget 9-11 though. I was only 4 when it happened, but I remember sitting in front of the TV and watching the Twin Towers fall. I was too young to know what was really going on or understanding the devastation and the all those lives lost. I know now, and it breaks my heart that there are people out there willing to go through these lengths knowing there would be so many casualities. It's inhumane.

Going to the art museum next was a good idea.

It uplifted my spirits. The talent surrounding me was jaw-dropping. Each piece told a different story, some of which I didn't quite get, but it's beautiful nonetheless to see an interpretation of their personal stories and news important to educate yourself on.

By the time I finish, it's a little after 12. L

I'm supposed to meet up with the literary agent today at 2. It's the only time that worked for both their and Hugh's schedule, even though I told him last night that he didn't have to come with.

I know he thinks he'll act as a buffer, but it makes me feel like I can't do this kind of thing without him. Though true to a degree, I don't want to give that kind of message to the agent. I want this to work out, and for them to see me. Just me and my book that Hugh loves but had no part in writing it.

I appreciate his support, and my anxiety wants nothing more than for him to come and keep me calm. Except he's not always going to be here.

Once this week is over, he'll go to Georgia. I'll go back to Wharton. Though he says he wants to be here every step of the way, I know our lives will take us in different directions.

He has to focus on his career, and I have to focus on mine. We'll eventually lose touch. That's just how it always is.

My brain agrees with that logic, but my heart doesn't.

I'm in New York, a city bustling with life, and yet, the moment I look forward to most everyday is having dinner with Hugh.

I can't help the awkwardness sometimes. That's what having a crush will do to you, but I'm being myself, and I love our conversations. I love learning all these new things about him, like how goofy he is.

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