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Chapter 861 Zhongshan Prefecture (17)

"Have the Northern Rong invaded Zhongshan Prefecture?"

"Haven't they invaded yet?"

"But the Northern Rong soldiers are outside, and the common people are scared and panicked!"

"At this time, our You'er and Shao'an have to go out for a stroll on the street with a smile on their faces. Seeing the vendors who couldn't sell their buns for a long time and the beggars crying pitifully, we spent money to buy some buns and packed them up to give to the little beggars.

Do you know where these little beggars came from?"

"They came from Yunzhong Prefecture and Shanggu Prefecture!"

"Our You'er went out for a stroll and spent money to save the old man selling buns so that he wouldn't have no money to buy medicine for his wife. She spent money to save the little beggars so that they wouldn't starve to death!"

"What's wrong with our You'er strolling around? It's just to let everyone see that there's nothing to be afraid of. Zhongshan Prefecture is safe!"

"My princess is walking on the street, what are you afraid of!"

"His Majesty will not ignore you, otherwise why would he let our princess Youer come to Zhongshan Prefecture!"

"Our Youer is helping His Majesty to stabilize the people's hearts in Zhongshan Prefecture!"

"You are all so noisy and happy, why don't you go to Zhongshan Prefecture to make some contributions?"

"I think you are bad-hearted, and you wish Zhongshan Prefecture would be in chaos!"

"Let me ask you, if the people of Zhongshan Prefecture dare not go out to do business, what will Zhongshan Prefecture become?"

"If no one does business, let alone whether the people can earn a living, even the court will have to pay less taxes!"

"Are you going to make up for the taxes that the court has not collected? You are so happy!"

"Besides, if no one goes to the restaurant, let alone the owner of the restaurant, what about the waiters of the restaurant?"

"If the boss can't pay the wages, will you support him?"

"No matter what time it is, the people have to live!"

"We You'er and Shao'an pay for food out of our own pockets even though we can't eat, and we buy clothes even though we can't wear them. What's the point?"

"We You'er and Shao'an have made good intentions and made great efforts to contribute to the stability of Zhongshan Prefecture, but it has become a sin in the mouths of you who are enjoying the good life with the emperor!"

"What kind of rotten evil intentions do you have?"

"Do you think that the people of Zhongshan Prefecture will be in chaos before the Beirong people come in?"

"No matter what you say, I will remember you anyway. When you return to Beijing, you must not go out to eat and drink, and your family members must not go out to buy things, otherwise I will let Erlang report you!

You don't know how to do the emperor's work every day, but only know how to eat and drink!

You eat and drink well, what will the people think of the officials of my Great Zhou if they see you?

What do you think of His Majesty of the Great Zhou!"

"You two can talk nonsense with a few words, you can do it, and so can I..."

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