Chapter Six, The Punishment.

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I woke up this morning to screaming. Lots and lots of screaming. We were ushered into the room we were brought in when we first got here. I think I am going to call it, the wondering room. Because every time I am here, I am wondering. But today, I know full well why we're here. Jane is gone. I heard her leave last night. They rode off on horseback.

It is a shame. These last few days, I've gotten quite close to her. She's so kind.

The door opened up, and Anthony stepped inside, saying calmly, "Ladies, it is in your best interest to tell us exactly what you know."

"Regarding what?" Sybil exhaled. 
"Where Jane went." Anthony said, "Florence, I am sure you will be able to enlighten us." 
"Why would I be able to enlighten you?" I exhaled, folding my arms, "I haven't the slightest clue where she's gone."

"Yes, well I don't quite believe you." Anthony said, "You'll have to speak with my father, you know. You were closest with her." 
"I have no clue!" I said, "Can't you hear me, I don't know where she's gone!" 
"Damnit, Florence!" 
"You can't fault me because I wasn't told something, that is absolutely ridiculous!!"

He folded his arms, shaking his head in dismissal of the statement, "And you shall watch your tone towards me as well, Ms. Hayton." He stepped out of the room, slamming the door shut. 
I took in a deep breath, folding my arms. 
"You can't be serious." Sybil exhaled, "Surely, you realize, you have to tell the truth." 
"I don't see why I would lie about that." I said, folding her arms, "And I certainly don't see why she would tell me." 
"She went to speak with you, did she not?" 
"Yes, but she talked to me about something else." I exhaled, "Why are you so persistent on their sides, don't you realize-" 
"I realize that the more we are on their sides, the safer we are." Sybil said, "it is stupid to argue with them." 
"Well then I guess I will continue to be stupid." I said, "I refuse to tell a lie. It doesn't matter if you believe me, doesn't matter if they believe me, because I'm not lying." I was going to leave it there, but I decided to continue. "I most certainly will not lie to make any of you feel better, either." 
She folded her arms, scoffing, "Of course. Well I don't see why you have such a strong-" 
The door opened up and Piers stepped inside, sighing, "Miss Hayton."

"Y- Yes?" 
"Walk with me, will you?"

I slowly nodded my head, reluctantly rising from my seat, following him out of the room. he led me don the hallway, to a room. He opened up the door, sighing, "Take a seat." I stepped into the office, silently walking over to the chair. I sat down. The office is very neat. It's tidy. On the wall, there is a large painting of what I am assuming is Anthony when he was younger, and Piers' widow. The walls are lined with bookshelves with books I can only assume have all been read. There is expensive velvet furniture, lots of neat things. It is a very interesting place, but I cannot get over that the room is dimly lit.

He sat down in the chair cross from me, taking in a deep breath, "Have I not treated you well?"

"P- Pardon me?"

"Have I not treated you kindly?" Piers repeated, sternly. 
I looked at him for a few moments, "W- Well it depends on your definition of kindly." Sure, I could save my back, but I think at this point, I can't dig myself out of the hole I'm already in. 
He laughed under his breath, "Good Lord."

"We- Well you've taken me from my family, and you-" 
"Yet, I've fed you, I've given you a place to sleep, I've given you clothes, you should be grateful! It is horribly rude to be ungrateful!" 
"Yes, and it's horribly rude to accuse someone of lying." I said, quietly.

Anthony stepped into the room, sighing, "Florence, it is in your best interest to tell us." 
"Or what, you will kill me? Do it, I dare you!" 
"You speak in haste, girl!" Piers said, sharply, "You will tell us where she is going!" 
"She did not tell me!" I said, "She said even they don't know where they're going, they're going off to get married someplace!" 
Piers and Anthony both paused for a long moment, Piers sitting up, "Anthony." 
"Well." Anthony exhaled, "We have two, still.." 
"Yes, but she was meant to be-" 
"I realize that.." He said, "Miss Wills would be a better fit, I think." 
"A better fit for what?" I asked, quickly, sitting up, saying quickly, "What are you going to-" 
"That's none of your concern, Miss Hayton, you've said enough, thank you." Piers said, "Anthony, take her back." 
I folded my arms and stood up, following Anthony out, "What is the plan here, please tell me.."

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