Chapter Nineteen, Cami's Sick.

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I have been looking at my locket for a long time. All I keep thinking about is who Audrey is.. Whose locket do I have? Everyone who has seen it, no one has mentioned that to me.. Laur did.. It was odd.. He was so calm about it.. He mentioned it so offhandedly, like, oh, this is a royal's. What? Why would I have it?

I wish that I knew who Audrey is.. I wish that I knew.. I know that Myllet is the royal family in Kellet.. I don't know how I came to get one of their lockets.. I wish that I did.. I wish that someone could tell me so that way I know.. I don't know.. I hate sitting with the unknown..

I don't know.. I don't know how I came to have this. I could go around in circles thinking about this, but I feel like I should just go ask Maud about it, already.

I silently stepped into the kitchen, calling, "Maud?!"

"Good morning, Florie!" 
"Good morning." I smiled, "How are you?" 
"I'm wonderful." She answered, smiling and nodding her head. 
I smiled and nodded my head, "I- I had a question, if you had time.."

"Of course I do.." She said.

"Okay.." I nodded, sliding the locket off my neck, "I was talking to Laur, yesterday, about this, and- And I was just- He told me that I should ask you about it, because you're Kelltin, and-" I shrugged my shoulders, "I just- I thought I'd ask you a little bit more about this, and- And if you know, who- Who Audrey Myllet is?"

"Oh- Okay.." She nodded, "Okay.. Yes- Audrey Myllet, she's the princess of Kellet. The youngest one, too, I believe."

"Oh.." I said, nodding, "Hmm.. Then- Then I wonder how I came to get this.. Surely- Do you think she would want it back?" 
"No." Maud said, quickly, "No, no, you have it, it's yours, now. Keep it. I assure you that it's okay." 
"Okay.." I nodded, quietly, "Is- Is it? Is it really?" 
"Yes, I swear." Maud nods, "Mhm.. Anyway, what brought on this talk?" 
"I- I was just curious about- I- I don't know.. I was meant to- To check in with the princess, this morning, so I should go." I said.

Maud looked at me and folded her arms, saying, "Yes.. It- It's really not that serious, Florie, I wouldn't go asking Laurence about it." 
"Yes, okay." I nodded, "I- I need to go wake up Camille."

Maud nodded her head. 
I nodded, quickly walking down the hallway. Gosh, that was strange.. She has to know something.. She's not telling me something, and I don't know why.. I wish I did.. Maybe I should ask Laur.. I know she told me not to, but I can't help but want to, now.

I walked up the staircase, to Cami's room. I knocked on the door, "Cami?!" 
"One minute!!" She called, audibly walking over to the door. She opened it up. She is in her nightgown, with messy hair, and a ill look on her face. 
"Oh- Cami.." I said, softly, "Here, get back in bed. Are you feeling sick?"

Cami nods, crawling back into bed, "I need Laurie." 
"You need Laurie?" I nodded, tucking her back in, "Okay, I'll go get him for you.. Do you want some tea, too?" 
Cami nodded.

I gently put a hand on her forehead, which was burning up, "Oh my goodness, Cami.. Yeah, I'll go get Laur, do you want me to start a bath for you, too? That might help you feel better.." 
"Okay.." Cami said quietly, nodding her head.

"Are you going to be okay while I go do that for you?" 
"Mhm.." She nodded, "Will- Will you get Laurie first?" 
"Mhm.." I nodded, "Yes, I'll go get him right now. Okay?" 
She nodded her head, "Mhm."

I quickly stepped out of the room, shutting the door behind myself. I walked down the staircase, back down a hallway, to Laur's office. I knocked on the door.

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