The Beach

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It was in the summer of '05 when I met Mark.  A routine evening stroll as a dog walker on the beach Costa Brava started out like any other.  As I was walking four dogs on a tight leash and having full control of the task at hand and of course in everything that I do.  Even though this activity was routine, there was something different about that day, the air was cooler but not cold, the sun was setting, the sound of the ocean waves was at a steady pace, which I can say does wonders for the soul.  I was basking in what nature was so kind to provide, while enjoying the scenery on that glorious day.  That wasn't the only thing that was different that day, I was much more relaxed than on the other days, the dogs seemed to enjoy the day as well--they were also enthralled by what nature had to offer.  The dogs began to act playfully, barking loudly, and started running along the shoreline, pulling me along for the ride.  My grip on the dogs' leashes loosened, one of the dogs got away and started to run ahead, as I was running to catch the dog, along with the others, suddenly I saw a man rushed out from a restaurant nearby and took hold of the dog and subdued him.  I stopped to catch my breath and was able to calm the other dogs down, in no time I saw that the man was approaching me with the dog.  As he was getting closer and closer, I started to notice him, his figure now was firm, and I could tell that he was a little older than I was. 

"Lost a little control there huh?" he said.

Me? Never! I think to myself. "I think it's just one of those days." I said, sarcastically, to avoid the obvious. 

He responded with a chuckle, "OK", while bending down to play with the dog, that seemed to take a liking to him. 

Intrigued by this, I stated, "you're really good with dogs." knowing that these dogs tend to be selective with people. 

He stood up, "yeah, I work with dogs," as he was talking, we both locked eyes and he smiled, I then felt a sense of comfort. 

"Oh, that's interesting, and by the way, thanks for your help with the dog," I said.

"It was my pleasure," he replied, followed by, "it's getting dark, you should head home, before these dogs decide to run again and you lose control." 

"Yes, I think that would be best."  Thinking to myself, who does this guy think he is anyway? At least, he is caring. 

"If it's not any trouble, do you mind if I help you with the dogs walking home?" 

Me, surprised by the questioned he asked and figured what it would hurt for the extra hand, even though I can manage.  "Uhm Sure, Can I at least know your name?" I asked, as we started walking back. 

"My name is Mark, Mark Tobin." 

"Does a 'shaken not stirred' comes with that?" I quipped with amusement.  That was one of the corniest jokes I have ever come up with, and I'm well known for them.  He burst out with the most incredible laugh, which made me feel comfortable and funny all at once. 

"You have a sense of humor," he said while chuckling, and what's your name?" he managed to say. 

"Thank you, it's Emily," I responded with a smile. 

"And does 'Emily', have a last name?" 

"I prefer not to give out my last name to strangers I just meet," I told him cautiously.

"Ahh come on, I just saved one of your dogs, practically saved your day and told you my last name, which I don't do very often, which in fact, makes me a good guy, hey, 'A Hero' and not a stranger in my book." he said convincingly. 

"And I do thank you for that, it's just that I rather not at this time." 

"Fair enough, I don't mean to pry.  It's just that from the little I already gather, you're an interesting person, and from my perspective, I don't let interesting people who I met by chance go without getting to know them." 

Oh, I think to myself, he's one of those types, even though I might agree.

It was almost dark, and the sun had almost gone down in the sky, and I was a few steps away from my location when we stopped.  "Well Mark, this is it for me, thank you for helping me with the dogs, it was nice talking to you." 

"It was nice talking to you as well.  Emily, I should tell you that since I met you and started talking to you, I had this feeling that we didn't meet on purpose and because of that I would like to ask, if you would go out on a date with me?" 

When he said that, I felt a rush of unexpected emotions throughout my body, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.  For a second, I stood there looking at him, his eyes were now softened and mesmerized by what he was looking at—me! His posture was more relaxed and inviting, his muscles could be seen protruding through his almost tight-fitting T-shirt, it was no secret that he cared for his body.  As if that alone wasn't enough for instant infatuation.  When he asked the question, his voice was now coarse, but warm and caring, the kind that you always want to be submissive to.  Feeling shaky in the knees, surprised and choked up, I thought to myself; now Emily, get a grip, this is not you, the girl who always has control of her emotions.  I managed to say, "sure." 

He smiled and continued, "great, so can I pick you up at 7:00pm tomorrow at your address? I know a great restaurant we can go to." 

"Yes," I said softly.  We exchanged phone numbers, and I Surrendered my address.  As we said our good-byes for the night, I couldn't stop thinking about him, the day I had with the dogs and how it was that it was this fine man that decided to help me.  Suddenly, more and more I was looking forward to this date.

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