Work and Dilemma

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I sat at my desk at work thinking about the week I've had and how work hasn't been the same since the past couple of weeks.  I can't go through another dilemma again.  I looked at the project I shared with John and saw that there is some information that I would need from Jackie to follow through to the next phase of the project.  I decided to send her an E-mail regarding the information that I needed and why I needed it.  Hours have passed since I sent the E-mail, and I haven't gotten a response back.  It was now lunch hour when I started to walk towards Jackie's office, when I saw three police detectives leaving the Assistant's desk and walking towards Alex's office.  I already know why they are here, so I made myself busy until they were ready for me.  I didn't have the words to explain to Alex about John's dilemma yet.  I walked into Jackie's office to have a small talk about the information that I needed.

"Hi there Emily, how's it going?" She said, as she looked to another staffer that was in her office.

"Oh, are you in a meeting?"

"No, this is Michael, we were just wrapping up some last-minute reports, but what can I do for you?"  She didn't sound like the fun Jackie that I knew.

"I wanted to talk to you about some of the reports that I have that needed your attention."

"Sure, I can take a look at them." Her tone was now suspicious of what I was asking.

"Take a look at report from last April, do you see how the Balance Sheet report was finalized, then it was accessed and refactored again?"

"Yes, I can see that, I must assure you, it was not done under my watch."  She took another report and saw that it was done with the same error and the others were just fictitious.  "Oh my, this is a problem, this is indeed a problem, and we must let Alex know about it."

"I suggest that we go speak with Alex as soon as possible."  With no hesitation, she agreed.

When we got to Alex's office, we met Alex and the three detectives having a deep conversation, I saw that john wasn't present.

"Please, come join us," Alex said abruptly.  "These three detectives are here because John's home was broken into last night and I am being made aware that some work files which were at his home were stolen.  They are here to do their investigation.  As you must know, they want to ask each employee few questions as part of the investigation process.  I urge you to cooperate with the detectives; E-mails will be going out from me shortly."

Jackie lets out with a shocking expression.  "What? You've got to be kidding me!"

"Jackie, I know this is unexpected news, but please remain calm and please, no gossip about the situation, we are trying not to have a messy investigation," Alex said as he sat back down in his chair.  The detectives left with notice that they would be back to continue their investigation.

"I understand sir." Jackie told Alex that there were some things she wanted to discuss with him regarding some of the accounts that she'd come across.

"Now is not a good time to discuss them Jackie, isn't this something you can handle on your own?"

"I understand sir, but I think you should take a look at them," Jackie urged him.

"As Managing Director of your department, which is the Review Department, if I'm not mistaken.  You can handle it.  Besides, I  have detectives coming into the firm for an investigation, an investigation Jackie, that alone is stressful so, excuse me if I don't have the time.  All meetings for today will be canceled in lieu of what transpired today."

Jackie was surprised by his demeanor and had to leave his office.

I still didn't let Jackie know that I saw the erroneous reports from a few weeks back.  It appears that these intentional mistakes have been going on for a while, but why is it now that someone cares to make them the light of day.  I also, didn't feel like telling her that John called me the night of the break-in.  I figured I would let the detectives ask me questions first.  However, there is something illegal going on here and I seemed to be in the center of it all.  On my way back to my office, I stopped by John's office only to see him on the phone again, but only this time he is more relaxed, and I overheard him saying, "sure I have no problem with that I definitely can make it work." After that he ended the call.  I can only imagine who he was speaking to and what could he make work.  This whole situation gets more and more suspicious and at this point I want none of it.

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