The Restaurant

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It was Saturday night and just as I was putting on my heels, I heard the doorbell ring.  I took one last look in the mirror, and say, "here goes."  I opened the door.  There he was, dressed in a white slim fitted dress shirt and black fitted dress pants.  His shirt was not buttoned up entirely and his muscles again, were the main topic of his ensemble, his clothing was perfectly designed around his body, which imprinted in my mind.  I can see that his hair was cut, and his beard was well groomed.  He was unquestionably handsome.  As I stepped outside, I noticed his infatuation for me and the ruched maroon split thigh satin dress, and black strapped heels that I was wearing.  My hair was down, with gracefully loose wave curls touching just above my mid back.  This was a far step up from the T-shirt, leggings, and sneakers that I was wearing at the beach. 

With one of his arms placed across his chest, as he bowed his head ever so slightly, smiled and said, "you look beautiful tonight." 

I replied, "thank you" and smiled back. 

"Shall we," he said softly, as he held out his hand in front of him gesturing the way. 

When we got to the restaurant, we were escorted by the hostess to the roof top, which had this beautiful dining area.  The restaurant was located just a few minutes from my house in the downtown area, and because the roof was at a considerable distance from the ground level, it was lighted sufficiently.  The view was breathtaking, we could see the lights of the other buildings and the wind swooping in from the ocean which makes the night even more amazing.  We were seated by the hostess at a dining table that was at a considerable distance from the others on the balcony.   There weren't many guests on the roof that night, which was surprising, but good, if I can say the least. 

"Can I tell you how much you look beautiful again?" 

"Thank you, Mark." 

"So, tell me about Emily," he said with a soft look on his face and an eagerness to soak in my responses.

"Well, I am a professional volunteer dog walker, and apart from that, I am an Account Executive for a private firm.  I have been living in Costa Brava for just about two years and I am obsessed with beaches. That is me.  What else do you care to know?" 

"That's interesting, seems we have something in common here, I also love beaches," he said.

"What about you? Where are you from?"

"I am from the United States, live in New York to be exact and I'm just here on vacation.  You're probably wondering why I am good with dogs, right?"

"Yes, sure, I would like to know," I replied.

"I am an Officer for a K-9 unit that handles criminal cases that involve narcotics.  I enjoy the cases because it helps me to bring justice to the affected people involved.  Not only that, but it also helps to prosecute individuals or groups who use drugs to fund illegal businesses and corruption." 

"That's great, it's good to see that someone is standing up for the greater good. And what do you do when you are not working?"

He takes a drink of his cognac. "I join a Non-Profit Organization and volunteer my time to help people in need, when I'm not doing that, I try to enjoy myself as much as I can."

"That's awesome, I see that you have a lot going on, at least you keep yourself occupy." 

"Besides work, what else do you do for fun Emily?"

"Unfortunately not much, I just have been swamped in work.  Like I was telling you earlier I moved recently, before that I was in a complicated situation with a colleague in the firm that I was working for, not only that I was also in a complicated relationship that was not benefiting either of us, which brought me to live here."

Having one of his hands to his head with his elbow on the table, looking at me with those eyes, again.  "Seems like you had a lot going on.  How about you allow me to give you a treat for all your troubles?"

Smizing with my eyes, raising my eyebrows in speculation. "What kind of treat were you thinking of?"

"Since we just met, I will not do any surprises.  Instead, I
want you to go to a spa, then afterwards we will have dinner at your house.  Deal?"

"You're a fast one, aren't you?" I said.

"I'm only here on vacation so I intend to make the most of it, wouldn't you agree?"

"Yes, but you know what I mean Mark."

It was just about midnight and the other guests were leaving; Mark and I stayed back for a while to enjoy the night.  We stood over by the railing to let the wind swoop over our faces.

"What are your hopes and what do you plan on doing when you go back home?"

"To continue working of course, but best of all to keep in touch with you; don't you think that's an excellent plan?"

"Absolutely, but let's see how it works out."

As we walk back down from the balcony to exit the restaurant, the hostess said, "What a lovely couple, enjoy!"  We both looked at her and smiled.  We walked to the car, he opened my door for me to get in and brushed his hand across the top of my back ever so slightly.  The drive from the restaurant was so soothing, Mark had the music on, and I had my window down, which made it even more relaxing. 

When we got to my house and stopped at the door, he leaned forward and kissed my cheek and said, "Enjoy your night." 

I laid in bed thinking about my day with Mark and reflecting on my previous relationships and how I was treated unfairly.  The guy that I was dating had no respect for me and he continually argued about how much time I spent on my work. He was not financially stable at the time, so he alone should've understood since we were both sharing an apartment. He would come and go as he pleases, until he suddenly looses interest in me.  I know it's not fair to use past relationships to judge future relationships, but nonetheless, Mark seems like a nice guy.  As I curled up in bed, listening to the rain outside, I smiled and fell asleep.

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