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Yuri was welcomed with the hussle of the busy city of Seoul. It wasn't unusual, but still it didn't sit right with her. She blamed the past months where she was so close to nature for this.

Both yuri and her brother hopped into the car that arrived on the airport to pick them up. The drive back home was quiet unlike yuri's thoughts, peaceful.

Nonetheless, she wasn't unhappy to come back to her comfort zone. Quite the opposite actually. With a smile, she climbed out of the car, spreading her hands wide to feel the air of her place.

She ran back inside her room, plopping herself down on her mattress immediately. She sighed in relief, flailing her limbs across the mattress. But soon enough, her happiness was drowned in the endless thoughts that she held inside her head.

Her mom and dad had finally separated. She wasn't sure who she thought was right.. because for her, both her parents were wrong.. she didn't think a family was like this.. she thought a family was way stronger than this..

How can they just break it off, just like that? Either way, she needs to respect the decision of her parents.. it'll be difficult, but she wanted to understand where her parents were coming from..

All these things going on definitely brought back the doubt she always had about love.. and when she didn't hear anything from Jimin even so many weeks after getting back to seoul, her doubts were slowly growing roots.

She checked her inbox many times.. thought of contacting him again.. but it just didn't feel right.. she hesitated to agree, but she missed him terribly.. she missed him to the point it hurt her..

Was it all a show? She thought several times. Did he even love her as he claimed? Why wasn't he trying to reach out to her? She had so many such questions..

Questions that weighed down on her for weeks that he didn't try to contact her...

If he ever comes back, I'm going to kick him in the butt and ask him to go back!

Yuri childishly thought. She was definitely being a hypocrite by not reaching out to him herself and still expecting him to do so, but can we blame her?

After what happened the night before she returned to seoul, she thought it was inappropriate to try contacting him. She also felt guilty somewhere, for not telling him that she was leaving.. but at the time she thought he deserved it..

She threw her phone inside her bag focusing on her laptop once again. He would call or text if he wants to. She thought and continued doing her work.

Once she was done she walked out of the university that was almost empty by now. She had come here for some paperwork. She walked down the empty hallway still lost in her thoughts.

Her eyes were set on the ground as she adjusted the bag on her shoulder while still continuing to walk.


The sound caught her attention making her look up to see a small pup who ran away from her. She gasped when she realised who it was. Hihi! It was hihi!

"Hihi!" She called, but the puppy wouldn't stop. She followed him down the corridor until he finally stopped by someone's feet.

She looked up meeting the eyes of the person she wanted to see since forever. His full lips lifted up into a charming smile that made his eyes dissappear.
Yuri couldn't help but pull a smile herself, all her insecurities and doubts went flying out the window as her eyes glistened with happy tears.

She knew she missed him, but only now did she realise how much. Jimin waved at her not knowing what else to do. Yuri on the other hand, sprinted towards him dropping her bag on the way to wrap her arms around his neck and hug the life out of him.

He immediately wrapped his arms around her. Her sweet vanilla scent filled his nostrils and his smile turned softer as he heard Yuri sniffle.

"Why are you here?" She asked while still not leaving him or loosening the hug. Jimin didn't complain, but his heart sure did since it had skipped unusual amount of beats.

"Why were you in busan?" He questioned back while moving his hand across her back in a soothing manner.

"Because of my ill fate, I didn't know you'd be there." Yuri huffed.  Jimin chuckled listening to her before answering for himself.

"But I came here knowing you'd be here." The simple sentence did things to yuri's heart.

"Why did it take so long?" She asked begrudgingly.

"Because of hihi. I would've come earlier if I knew you'd hug me like this." Jimin joked while tightening his arms around her.

"Will you go if I let you?" Yuri asked seriously to which Jimin, without a second of hesitation shook his head.

"No." He voiced. Now that he was all the way here to seoul, and yuri was in his arms hugging him like her life depended on it, he had one question to ask.

"Is this.. friendship?" He slowly but carefully asked. Yuri smiled through her tears before confidently shaking her head in a no. 

"Is this... called love?" He questioned again. Yuri slowly pulled away from him before staring deep into his eyes, making his heart flutter.

"No." She shook her head. "This. Is called love." She placed her hands on his cheeks, cupping his face before standing on tiptoes to place her lips on his.

Jimin's eyes widened,  not expecting her to pull the stunt, but gave into the feeling of her soft cherry lips that carrassed his plump ones, immediately.

Her hands slipped into his hair causing shivers run down his spine, while his found her waist and cheek. He was always curious to know if the red on her lips, was from strawberries or cherries, guess today, he finally got the answer.

Yuri had her eyes closed as she placed a feathery kiss on the lips of her lover. Her stomach made a flip when she felt him responding to her almost immediately.

She could feel his heart hammering his ribs as she slid her hand down towards his chest, not very different from hers, she thought.

She slowly pulled away catching her breath, her eyes stared right into his. The one quirk of her that drove him crazy and made him go week in the knees. He couldn't help but get lost in those amber eyes with the depth of the entire universe in them.

He was brought back to the present when yuri pinched his chest to get him to react. He hissed in pain before pulling the boyish smile on his face and hugging her again. Yuri wasted no time in reciprocating his affection, while sporting a beautiful smile herself.

In that moment, she knew this could work out, they could work out.. in that moment she felt complete, in his arms. As for Jimin, he felt ecstatic, full and just peaceful, he knew he could do anything for this woman in his arms.

As Yuri looked upwards while still not separating herself from him, her eyes met someone, someone who had a permanent frown etched on their forehead and the face that showed disbelief,  almost disappointment. The smile on her face slowly faded and her grip around him loosened. She didn't expect them to be here out of all places.

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