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"I told you–"

"Are you all set?" I asked when I got in Eddie's house.

"Now, Buck's here." He got up from his knees.

"What is it?" I asked.

He gave me a peck of a kiss on my cheek and said, "Christopher couldn't find his shoes."

"Oh. I think I saw it last night.." I started to think about where I saw it.

"Chris said the same." He shook his head. "Chris! Maybe it's in your closet."

"I already checked. It's not there!" Christopher said from his room.

Eddie sighed.

"You know that Athena expects us for dinner." He said.

"It's okay. It's not like they're gonna meet your parents or anything..." I thought about my parents.

"Oh, hey, honey. You done?" Eddie asked Mj when he got out of her room.

"Yeah." She smiled.

"You look so beautiful with that dress, Mj." I complimented her.

She smiled widely and thanked me.

"Alright. I'll help Chris." I said.

But then I remembered where I saw his shoes.

"In your closet!" I shouted.

I ran to Eddie's room, opened his closet and there, I saw Christopher's shoes.

"Found it!" I exclaimed and brought it to Chris.

"Thanks, Buck!!" He exclaimed and took it.

"Thank you, Buck." He sighed.

"Welcome." I smiled. "Alright, everybody, get in the car. Let's go, let's go."

We all got in the car. I was driving, Eddie was in the passenger's seat and Chris and Mj were in the back seat.

We arrived at Bobby's and Athena's house. Athena was the one who opened the door.

"Eddie, Buck!" She greeted us with a hug. "Hey, Christopher." She said.

"Hey, Athena." Christopher smiled.

"Why don't you guys come in. All of us are here."

We came in. I saw Bobby, Hen, Chimney, Maddie, Karen and the kids in the kitchen preparing the food.

"Hey, they're here!" Athena announced.

They all looked at us. After that their eyes focused on Mj.

"Athena? I thought I said that it's just gonna be a simple family dinner? You don't have to cook all this." Eddie said.

"Oh, come on. We're meeting your daughter, we have to. And it's not me who cooked, it's Bobby." Athena said with a smile on her face.

"And what are you saying about this 'simple family dinner'? You mean, it's just gonna be you, Buck, the kids, Bobby and Athena? No way. Nuh-uh. We also wanna meet her." Hen protested.

"Yeah, we wanna meet your daughter too." Chimney frowned.

"Okay, guys. Let's make some room for our guest of honor for today." Bobby stepped in. "What's your name, love?" He knelt down in front of her.

"Mj." She answered.

"Alright, Mj. Why don't we just ignore these people and go to our seats, shall we?" He got up and lent out his hand.

"I guess?" Mj took his hand and they walked to the table.

"Hey, her father's here!" Eddie whined.

"Alright," I chuckled, "Let's go." I pulled him. "Come on, Christopher." I said and we walked  to the table.

They all followed too and we all sat down.

— MJ'S P.O.V —

These people were adorable. They treated me like I really belong in their family.

Christopher was right, Athena was so cool. She told me about her work, her cases that she solved and I'm telling you it was amazing, like when she saved those two boys from a kidnapper?? God, I already love her.

"Hey." Someone called me.

A girl. I think her name is May, Athena's daughter.

"You wanna join us? We're playing games." She offered with a smile on her face.

"Yeah. Of course." I got up and walked with her.

"So, what do you think?" She asked.

"What?" I said, trying to know what she meant.

"I mean, about us. Are we making you uncomfortable or anything?" She cleared.

"Ohh.." I said in realization. "No, you guys didn't. Actually this is the first time in my whole life that someone — a family had accepted me as theirs." I confessed.

"Really? Must've been tough for you." She said.

"Yeah. But I was used to it. Not until you guys." I  smiled at her.

"You're really sweet. Christopher was right, you are a nice person." She smiled and sat with her brother with Chris and Denny.

While I just stood there with a shocked and grateful face.

Christopher really said that?

"You're not gonna join us? Come on." May went to me and pulled me to the table where they were playing cards.


"Eddie, eddie," Buck patted me on my shoulder as I was getting a cake. "Look at them." He pointed at the kids who were recently playing uno cards.

I smiled as I saw how May got along with them.

"She is an adorable kid." Buck smiled.

"Yeah, she is." I said.

I wrapped my arms around Buck's shoulder as he hugged me back.

"What's that for?" He asked as I pulled away.

"Just because." And hugged him again.

But someone from Buck's back wiped icing on his cheeks.

"Hey!" Buck pulled away from the hug and turned around to see who it was.

"Stop flirting!" Chimney yelled. "The kids are having fun, and we must too!" He then wiped an icing on my face again. But this time it was a lot.

"A'right, come here, Chimney!!" He took the plate of cake in my hand.

"Hey, that's mine!" I said.

But Chimney ran away and Buck followed. While Maddie and I just watched them got icing all over their face and hair.

"Buck, not the clothes! It's not like you're the one who does the laundry!" I said.

"It's Chimney's fault!" He protested.

I just sighed and shook my head in defeat as they continued to play with the icing.

"Has he always been such a kid?" I asked Maddie.

"I don't know. I think you're the one who made him like that." She shrugged her shoulders.

"No, I'm not." I frowned.

"Just kidding. He has always been like that." She chuckled.

♥ ★ ♥ ★ ♥ ★ ♥ ★ ♥ ★ ♥

Do you think that's a good ending to this chapter or you need more? Next chapter will be next week. Love y'all.

-J. Anaaa

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