Chapter 12 : Police

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Charlotte's POV
20 minutes ago

Leeia vanished into the darkness in an instant. We exchanged quick glances, before rushing off opposite our other friends' way, closer to home.

Though we had a flashlight, we avoided using it as to direct no attention towards us from anyone else inside this forest. If there ever was one.

My mind was filled with impatient thoughts and questions as we ran off away. Irritation consumed me, because what the hell was happening that none of us could even explain?

You're telling me, I was supposed to have a nice, wild party and then for some— damn reason, I agreed to that bonehead to take this group to this fucking, miserable forest?

I clutched my forehead and my closed eyelids in frustration. Now that we all stepped into this fucked up mess, what are we to do after? None of the places other than this forest felt belonging anymore. If we ever even escape..

The thought released hot salty tears from the corner of my eyes. What is it? For god's sake, what's going on? Why are we stuck here, as if the long gone past had came back? I can't deal with none of this anymore. Let me go, you dumb bitches. Please.. let me go.


In a quick gasp of breath I snapped back, turning my head to Caily. My gaze switched between the both of them, who's currently looking over the bright illuminating light from their phones.

"You okay?" Lilith asked in a soft voice.

It took a second before I smiled at her and replied, "Yes. Sorry."

The night was slowly making me crazy and I'm actually gonna tweak if the police wouldn't get us all out of here.

Caily sighed as she gazed down on her phone again. "We're just looking for any signal, since this is the place you said there would be one, right?"

I turned my head and looked around in different directions; trying to find familiarity, a place closer to home. The surroundings were indeed near the place I talked about. "Let's keep going."

As we walked further, the 3 of us were raising our bright phones up to the sky in hopes of even a single bar of signal. It made sense, since this was a thick, massive forest that nobody else could ever go in, signals are hard to catch. Exactly why my parents decided to build their house in here. They were a bit of a weirdos and wanted a peaceful place to grow a family in.

Correct, this place is where I grew up in. Said my parents, anyway. Though they told me that we stayed in here 'till when I was about 6 or 7, none of ever memories that they tell me exists anywhere in my brain.


"Charlie, you used to carve our family name into that tree over there!"


"Charlie, when you would cry so hard as a baby, we would take you under that tree and sing lullabies 'till you fall sound asleep. It always worked, always!"


"Charlie, what did I tell you about wandering off to the forest? Don't go far in there, kiddo. You'll never know what could be lurking around."

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