Chapter 14

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There was only so long that I could ignore my father's calls. And I'd spent the last ten weeks ignoring it and blaming it on the fact that I was in rehab and needed time for myself and no distractions.

And right now, I didn't have any more excuses and I knew he would keep calling me until I picked up.

So I did, because it looked like right now I was in the best shape to talk to him. My craving wasn't too shit, and I didn't want to punch him to death.

"Hello?" I answered, trying to keep my voice from sounding too annoyed.

"Hello, Loren"

Well if I didn't want to punch him before, I already did now. I hated him calling me Loren.

"How is London?"

Ah, so obviously he'd caught onto my flights and accommodation that I'd gotten just to make sure he wouldn't ask me a million questions.

"It was good," I lied, "I'm back now though"

He let out a rough laugh, "You didn't even think to tell me about it?"

"Didn't think you'd care"

"You disappeared off to another continent and I find out through your brother"

Sebastian had told him that I was gone?

So he'd lied to me about not being in contact with our father anymore?

He'd lied to my face?

"Sebastian told you I was in London?" I frowned, clutching the counter in my grip tightly.

"Yes," he sighed, "And then I saw you booked a flight to London and stayed in a shitty room on the outskirts. You could have told me and I would have recommended you a hotel I stayed in when I lived in London"

I didn't even know he'd lived in London before. And even if I had, I never would have gone to a hotel he recommended.

"Next time," I promised, because I knew I would never actually go to London. If I were to England, I'd go to a city he'd never stepped foot in before.

"I have some things I need to discuss with you, so I need you to come over tomorrow"

He didn't even bother to ask me what I'd done in London for two whole months. But thank god for that or I just would have had to lie to him and come up with some shit excuses.

"I'm busy tomorrow"

I was going to be busy for a lot longer, because I had a lot of catching up on school to do. I'd done all my classes online, but I still had a shit ton of things to do that required me to go into school and talk to professors.

And also, I didn't want to go back to his house. Not after what had happened last time I'd gone.

"This is important," he urged.

"Why do you need me to come by?" I sighed, wanting to avoid it at all costs.

"I have some things to tell you"

"Tell me over the phone then"

He sighed for a long time, "These aren't the kind of things you say over the phone"

I was curious as to what he was going to tell me. My father wasn't one for being like this, but then again he'd never had something to tell me that couldn't be done over the phone.

"Is it like—" I swallowed deeply, trying not to let my pain show in my voice, "Is it like the video?"

He knew what video I was talking about. The video of Madelyn that he had called me over to show last time.

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