Chapter 1

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Disclaimer : Don't own, Don't sue
This is my first fan fiction so please go easy on me. Criticism is welcome and do tell me if all the characters are in character or OOC because I tried to make them similar to how they were in the TV Show. Don't forgot to press the cute, little comment button at the bottom and tell me what you think.Enjoy!

"Anne, wake up" A famine voice yelled worriedly."Five more minutes" I grumbled, snuggling deeper into my covers. I sighed contently before my eyes snapped open in shock. My name wasn't Anne and I certainly didn't recognize that voice! I shot upwards just in time to see a brunette enter the room. I barely managed to conceal a gasp at the sight of a FICTIONAL CHARACTER entering the room. I recognized her from one of my friend's endless rants but she was supposed to be a FICTIONAL character nothing more, nothing less.

She gave me a weird look. "Ann! Anne? You okay?" she questioned, probably from seeing the frenzied state I was in.

"Yes of course, I'm just feeling anxious for some reason" I blurted out, plastering a fake, sad smile on my face meanwhile I was panicking on the inside. What was her name again? Elsa? Elle? Elna? No wait... it was Elena.. I think. "I know you're scared" she said sympathetically, a sad smile forming on her face "We all are especially after what happened to you last time but.." she trails off, taking a deep breath before continuing " It's necessary. We need to co-operate with them"

"Yes I know" I immediately agreed, grasping at the straws. I gave her my best sad smile, complete with the puppy dog eyes.

She nodded "Hurry up and come downstairs then, Breakfast is ready and they'll come for the meeting in about 4 hours." she ordered gently before leaving. I climbed out of the bed and began pacing around the room in confusion and anger.

I was trapped in the world of the vampire fucking diaries with no idea of who sent me here and almost no goddamned clue about the plot line. Aside from that, Dean and Sam are trying to escape the dickhead angels who want them to say yes to Lucy and Mickey and I'm in a fictional universe unable to do shit! Son of a Bitch!

I gritted my teeth and punched the wall, almost welcoming the pain that followed. I'll keep pretending to be Elena's sister until I find a way to get back to Dean and Sam, I decided. Whoever sent me here better start running cause when I find them, I'll kill them, I thought darkly before getting ready in this alien room. After putting on a white t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans, I climbed down the stairs and led myself to the kitchen where the food and Elena was waiting for me.

"Hey Elena" I greeted awkwardly. "Hey, are you feeling alright" she inquired.

"I'm fine" I said annoyed, putting an emphasis on 'fine'.

"I'm just worried" she sighed "Everything is just so-"

"Hey Lena" a boy who I assumed was Jeremy interrupted, walking down the stairs.

"Hey lil brother" I greeted hoping that I got it right but reeled back at the glare he sent me. "I don't want to talk to you, Roxanne" he ground out with a sharp glare. "What did I do?" I asked confused.

"You!" he sucked in a deep breath to control himself "You didn't tell me about what Kol did to you" he exploded, making me frown. "I didn't want to upset you" I responded, feigning hurt. He scoffed, giving me the cold shoulder as he picked up his food and marched to the lounge. I heard Elena groan and turned around to see her looking in Jeremy's direction with a disapproving frown.

"I'm going to get ready" she muttered quietly, looking at me helplessly before leaving. I sighed before grabbing my eggs and bacon and joining Jeremy. If I was going to stay in this body than I might as well become buddies with my 'siblings.' I exited the kitchen and saw Jeremy sitting on the couch sulking, I cleared my throat before sitting beside him and he didn't even look up. What did Roxanne and Kol do that was so terrible? Did he attack her? Were they together?

I looked at him again and watched as he stabbed at his food. "Jeremy" I cleared my throat before continuing "I want to apologize for what she...I did" I said catching myself at the last second "It won't happen again."

He looked at me suspiciously but his eyes had softened slightly. "Really? You mean it?

"Yes, I do" I promised.

"Ok" he nodded before munching on a piece of bacon. I looked at him for a moment, waiting for him to say something more but when it became clear that he wasn't going to say something else. I sighed before grounding out an irritated "We cool?"

"For now" he allowed before smirking "Since you're an idiot, you're bound to screw up sometime soon." I gave an exaggerated laugh before giving him the middle finger.

"Meany" he whined in mock anger, making me grin. "You're the one to talk" I deadpanned.

DING DING! The doorbell rang making me jump causing him to give me a concerned look. "Why are you so jumpy today" he quizzed.

"Yeah, cause world jumping has absolutely nothing to do with me being jumpy." I murmured sarcastically.

"What" he questioned confused, leaning closer to me "I didn't quite catch that"

"Nothing" I shook my head and went to open the door. I opened the door only to reveal the man who I assumed was Damon Salvatore from the description Abigail told me. I made an attempt to shut the door but his hand shot out and pushed it open.

"Not happy to see me, sweetheart?" he mocked, smirking and stepped inside the house.

"I don't think anyone is" I countered shutting the door before turning to face him. He glanced at me curiously making me panic. Was I acting wrong? I gave him a fake confident smile hoping that he would get off my case.

"Aren't you feisty today" he commented nonchalantly before going to sit near Jeremy. Elena chose that moment to come downstairs and I made a mental note to thank her for her impeccable timing.

"Damon" she greeted, sounding slightly disappointed.

"Hello Elena" Damon returned mockingly "Expecting my little brother, weren't you?" I blinked as I saw hurt flash in his eyes but it was gone before I could be sure.

"No, I wasn't" she disagreed, probably feeling guilty "But where's Stefan?"

"Out hunting bambi" he answered coolly "When is Klaus going to show up?"

"Don't do anything stupid" she warned causing Damon to smirk.

"What could I do?" he questioned, spreading his arms innocently.

"You know what I mean" the brunette said, giving him a pointed look "We need them" Damon just shrugged in mock innocence. Elena opened her mouth to scold him but was cut off.

"Stefan" Damon stated. I looked behind him and saw Stefan not too far off. When did he get here? I thought, knitting my eyebrows in confusion. "Damn vampire speed!" I grumbled under my breath causing Damon to raise an eyebrow at me which I retaliated by sticking by tongue at him with extreme maturity.

Stefan gave Damon a warning look before moving to stand beside Elena. They shared a brief kiss much to my disgust.

"They're coming at 5, aren't they? She asked. Stefan answered with a nod.

"If anyone is going to kill them, it will be me." Damon said, flashing his signature smirk making Stefan turn his bitch face on him.

"You are not going to mess this up Damon." Stefan warned, taking a step in his direction. I tensed, waiting for the fight to commence.

"Oh really" Damon taunted "Who's going to stop me?"

"I am" Stefan said with finality in his voice but Damon moved before I could blink and slammed Stefan into the wall.

"When was the last time you had something stronger than a squirrel, little brother" Damon taunted, ignoring Elena's gasp "You'll always be weaker than me."

Then he proceeded to slam Stefan head into the wall once more before snapping Steffy's neck and blurred out of the room leaving me, Elena and Jeremy to stare at Stefan's motionless body which was sprawled across the floor.

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