Chapter 5

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A/N Hey guys! Enjoy the chapter! Don't forget to comment and stuff. I want to thank everyone who read the story. It means a lot so thank you. Enjoy reading.

"We have to go to Care's house." Elena declared, making me frown lazily as I made a move to stand up.


"Bonnie's over there."

"I forgot." I murmured, guilt stirring inside of me at the thought of my friend. She gave me an exasperated eye roll before marching over to the door. "Wait up!" I yelled, running to catch up. After ten minutes of excruciating silence, the car skidded to a stop. "Wow, you drive so fast." I murmured sarcastically whilst stepping outside the automobile.

"It's called following the law." She retorted, opening her car door.

"There's a difference between following the law and driving like a one legged dog on tranquillizers." I countered, smirking. I studied Care's house as I waited for Elena to hurry the fuck up. Suddenly, I felt something hit the back of my head hard. My vision blurred around the edges and a sharp pain coursed through me. I staggered forward before crashing to the ground. A scream tore out of my throat as a solid object collided with my back sending bolts of pain through my body. Everything hurt. Whimpering, I curled myself into a ball, trying to make myself as small as possible to hide from the agony that was increasing rapidly, minute by minute.

"Roxanne." I heard Elena scream. I flinched "El-Elena." I let out a chocked sob before everything went black.


"You did what?" Klaus raged, lips curling into a snarl. He kept his glare fixed on Elijah, trying to calm the sea of emotions stirring inside of him. He wasn't supposed to feel this way about a fucking human. He hadn't even known her properly... then why... why was his stomach churning uncomfortably at the thought of her getting hurt? Why did he care?

"I would like to be your friend, Nicklaus." he had felt like laughing at the possibility of a pitiful human befriending him but the sincerity swimming in her eyes had thrown him off guard. "We'll see." He had stated, managing to keep a blank expression through centuries of practice.

She had left but he had remained in the grill for some time, trying to decide whether her reluctance to leave his company and her declaration were feigned or not. Was that the reason for his conflicted emotions? How long had it been since some one had willingly sought his company? Centuries?

"The Salvatores will have more incentive to kill Esther, now that the doppelganger and her sister are at stake." Elijah stated, snapping him out of his thoughts. He watched, amused at the slight pain that flickered in his brother's eyes, his humanity was probably acting up at the thought of terrorizing humans. However, his amusement vanished in the blink of an eye at the next words that emerged from Elijah's mouth "Rebekah will not kill them. Why do you care whether the doppelganger and her sister get hurt?"

"I do not want to put my chance of making hybrids at stake." He lied, flashing a dark smirk at his older brother. Elijah nodded, still looking unconvinced.

Klaus sighed as he sat down, his thoughts grave. If Rebekah would hurt Roxanne then he would personally make sure that she remained in her coffin till hell freezes over. He growled lowly, a dark and chilling grin unconsciously forming on his lips as he stared out the window.

Roxanne's POV

I opened my eyes tiredly as a dull ache spread throughout my body. I sat up slowly with a groan, only to freeze as a wave of dizziness spread through me, making me sway unsteadily. Clutching my head, I blinked rapidly until the black spots in my vision finally began to clear.

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