Chapter 7

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Authors note: Hey guys, I'm so, so, so, so sorry for the long wait. *dodges swords and bullets* Wait! I have a valid excuse! I just finished my first ever Cambridge International Examinations. Please, pray that I get A**'s.

Now , that the summer break has started, I have ample time to write. I'll try to update more frequently and write long chapters from now on as an apology. I am really very sorry, exams are a pain.

Anyway, thank you to every person who favorited, followed and commented. You guys are amazing! Love you! Now, without further delay, here's the next chapter. Enjoy!
"You know what" Elena chirped "We should have a sleepover."

"A sleepover" I deadpanned.

"Yeah. I've had enough of supernatural for a while." She soldiered on, not the least bit deterred "A sleepover is normal and Care will be thrilled."

"No shit" I grumbled "The eccentric Barbie would probably kill someone for stuff like this."

Elena sent me a disapproving look which I promptly ignored. "You've been acting like Damon lately." She said with brief concern "Are you feeling alright?"

"Like I just got zapped in the world of Edward fucking Cullen." I muttered under my breath.


"Nothing" I said, aloud "Just peachy."

After 5 hours and 30 minutes of mind numbing boredom
-----Mystic Grill------

My throat burned pleasantly from my second shot of whiskey which I had bribed Matt into giving me. I grunted, getting ready for my third. "I love a women who can handle her liquor."

I turned my head towards the deep voice and raised an eyebrow at seeing a man in his early twenties. "I'm Daniel." The man continued. He was decently handsome with messy blond hair, bright green eyes and a jaw line that would make anyone green with envy.

"I can handle a lot of things." I purred, leaning forward "But can you handle me?" Hey, no judging. I had been practically deprived of anything close to sex since the time I had been zapped into the twilight zone.

"I guess we'll have to find out." He smirked. I watched as he stood gracefully, paid for my drinks and held out a hand towards me. I took his waiting hand and stood before walking with him to a quiet area behind the building.

I barely got a word out before a pair of lips captured my own. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, gasping when he bit down on my lower lip. He took the opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth, deeping the kiss. We stayed like that for a couple of moments, phantom moans escaping my lips at the sensation. I pulled away first to catch my breath.

His eyes flashed black. I tensed, instinctively ramming my knee into his groin. He yelled out in pain, I punched him, making him tumble into the wall behind him. I went in for another punch but he grabbed a hold of my hand and twisted it behind my back before slamming me into a wall.

Sharp pain jolted up my nose and the metallic taste of blood pooled in my mouth. He slammed me into the wall again before spinning me around and pinning me to the wall by my throat.

"Well, feisty aren't we." He chuckled. His cocky voice made me want to tear his throat out.

A snarl ripped out of my throat. "I'll fucking kill you!"

He tsked "Bad Winchester. I wonder what your brothers will say when I rip your limbs out and deliver them to their doorstep. What about angel boy? Not answering your calls, is he? Left your worthless ass to rot."

"What do you know about this? Do you know who sent me here?"

"Uh uh uh" he chirped, voice reprimanding "That would be cheating. Boss man doesn't allow cheating."

"Who's your boss?" I ground out.

"I'm on the winning side." He grinned "The Leviathans, of course."

"Oh, so now you're they're bitch." A mocking smile pulled up at the corner of my lips "They're gonna send your ass to hell after they're done with you. You're going to rot in the fire bag, fucker."

"I picked the winning side!" He snarled "I'll be one of the top dogs while you'll be their chew toy. But you already know how that feels, don't you. Fermantis bragged about how he tortured the baby Winchester. Remember that, what he did to you, how he made you scream."

I attempted to laugh which proved to be difficult, considering that his hand had nearly blocked my windpipe. "You actually believe that. After you become useless to them, they'll...." I trailed off, smirking "I'm guessing you can fill in the rest."

Anger shone in his eyes and his hands tightened. I chocked, desperately trying to pull his hands off my throat. I struggled, but I could feel my body becoming weaker by the second and my vision blurring. I tugged on his hands, trying to breathe, but to no avail. 'I'm sorry, Dean, Sammy, I'm so sorry' were the last thoughts that played in my head as my eyes slid shut.

Suddenly, the weight was lifted from my windpipe and I fell to the ground. My hands massaged my sore throat as I greedily took in gulps of air. My eyes widened when I looked to the side to see a familiar blue eyed hybrid. I watched as they fought one another before the demon quickly pinned the hybrid to a wall with a wave of his hand.

I barreled forward and tackled the demon. It gripped me by the throat and threw me away from it. "Klaus, pin it" I screamed. Klaus gave me a quick nod before launching forward with a speed which was a blur to my meager human eyes. With some difficultly, he managed to pin the demon.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica" I quickly chanted, the demon let out a scream as black smoke pumped out of its mouth and pilled in a cloud over our heads before disappearing.

I knelt and gently touched the vein of the body's wrist, looking for a pulse. I sighed in relief when I felt a pulse beneath my hand. "What the hell was that?" Klaus growled finally. I looked up to see him, staring right back at me, breathing slightly uneven. His blue eyes bore into mine, slightly incredulous as they searched for answers.

'Shit' I cursed inwardly, before letting a sheepish grin play on my lips "Uh, would you believe me if I told you that the guy had a medical problem?"

Klaus gave me a 'you have got to be kidding me' look.  

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