Chapter 6

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She leaned back slightly "He said they succeeded. Esther is dead." I felt bad for her but decided to keep my mouth shut, knowing that nothing I could say or do would make the situation any better for her. "You should be glad that Elijah called or I would have snapped your pretty little necks by now." She hissed at us in a voice that made ice look hot in comparison.

I shifted from foot to foot, at a loss of what to say. I couldn't find it in myself to summon even a shred of anger at her venomous words because I recognized the emotions that clouded her eyes. I had worn that look for quite a while after the death of my grandfather, Samuel. It was one of pain and anger; anger at knowing that your own flesh and blood hadn't given two shits about you. But still feeling the pain of their death because at the end of the day, they were family.

But what I felt was nothing compared to what she was probably feeling right now. After all, this was her mother.

"Oh. You think my neck is pretty?" I asked, not knowing what else to say.

"Just follow me." She snapped.

Elena and I silently followed the blonde original deeper into the rocky tunnel. My confusion melted away at seeing a flight of stairs tucked in a dark corner. They were almost invisible from their place in the shadows.

I stared intently at Elena, silently urging her to climb first. She looked back at me in confusion before her face morphed into that of understanding. She began to climb up the stairs with me following suit.

A trap door at the roof of the tunnel opened, letting the soft glow of moonlight to filter in. Groaning, I hauled myself out of the God forsaken prison and looked up to see Damon and Stefan waiting for us while Klaus and his family stood some way off. Elena, of course ran straight to Stefan.

I sighed, frustrated at the look Damon was giving my sister. I approached him, waving my hands back and forth when he turned his attention to me. "You can stop waving now." He stated, the smallest of smiles forming on his lips.

"Nah." I shrugged, still moving my hands just to annoy him "I'm good."

"Are you okay?" he asked, concern briefly flashing across his face before disappearing as fast as it appeared.

"Yeah" I drawled, dramatically spinning around once "See! Healthy as a cat."

"It's healthy as a horse." He corrected me.

"Don't care. I like cats way better, anyway."

"You're impossible." He rolled his eyes, exasperated.

"I know that it may seem like the existence of such an awesome creature cannot be real." I cooed, smirking "But it is. I'm real, Damon."

"Yeah R-" he began but I cut him off.

"Yeah, Yeah." I waved my hand dissmisivly, smirking at his annoyed expression "Let's go home already." There was a murmur of agreement.

"I've had enough drama for one day." Elena added. Stefan glanced at the originals as we passed them.

"Sorry." I mouthed at Santa Klaus before hurrying to catch up with the rest of the gang. (Yes- I had officially named him Santa Klaus! Do you feel my evilness? Do you feel it! Mwahahaha) I glanced back at him and he nodded at me as a sign of acknowledgement.

I can't wait to get some fucking sleep, I thought wistfully as we sauntered towards the car.


Later that night.

Elijah's POV

Elijah hunched over a suitcase, packing his clothes. He grimaced when he heard the familiar sound of his sister's footsteps. After a minute, he heard the door open. "You're feeling guilty." Rebekah stated, entering his room. He ignored her, choosing instead to focus on the task at hand. "You have no reason to feel that way." She stressed.

"I terrorized innocents." He exploded, spinning around to face her.

"Elena and her sister are not innocents." She snapped back.

"I terrorized innocents, Rebekah." He repeated, heart clinching painfully as the thought replayed itself over and over in his mind like a broken record.

"But mothe-" She began to protest but he cut her off.

"Mother didn't make us monsters." He stated, forcing himself to calm down. "We did that to ourselves." Rebekah stilled at his words. Elijah clinched his fists as guilt and pain lay heavy in his mind. Taking his sister's silence as a sign of defeat, he stalked out of the room.

Rebekah slumped down on the bed after her brother had left. She held her head in her hands, grave thoughts and endless doubts clouding her mind. It's not our fault, she thought fiercely but no matter how hard she tried, the doubts refused to leave her alone. "It's not our fault." She murmured to herself, voice shaking with uncertainty.

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