Chapter 3

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I took in their worried expressions with a sigh "We'll think of something."I assured them, the fear and concern on their faces did not wash away but it diminished slightly. "In the meantime, do we have something to eat?"

Elena's lips twitched "We have to find a way to kill a centuries old witch to avoid the death of everyone we love and you're more concerned about your stomach!"

"Yeah, pretty much." I said with a shrug.

"Fine" she sighed in defeat, although her eyes showed amusement "I'll make something."

I grinned in approval "I have to go use the toilet "I lied, and get away from all this drama for at least ten minutes, I added in my head.

"Too much information!" Bonnie exclaimed playfully. I laughed as I climbed up the stairs, throwing her a quick wink over my shoulder. I went straight into the bathroom, opening the tap to wash my face and moaned in ecstasy when the cold water hit my features, washing my worries and fears away with its soothing cold force. I wiped my face and looked up, only to reel back in shock when my eyes fell upon the reflection in the mirror.

A blonde haired girl stared back at me with chocolate brown eyes. I tentatively placed a hand on my cheek and gasped when the stranger in the mirror mimicked my movement. This wasn't possible, it can't be..

With the sight before me, my hope of this all being a dream shattered like glass and the full reality of the situation hit me hard like a train; all of my friends and family were gone and there was a possibility that I might never see them again. On top of that, I had somehow gotten zapped into a fictional universe, forced to take refuge in a strange house surrounded by people who were supposed to be fictional. I knew little about them but I did know that I don't belong in this world and in their lifes.

Sobs tore their way out of my throat as I unsteadily walked out of the bathroom. Tears marred my vision; I placed my clenched fist on top of my heart as my sobs increased rapidly. My knees gave out in grief and I collapsed in a sobbing mess but something caught me just before I hit the ground.

Damon's POV

"Damon, could you go get Anne and tell her that lunch is ready?" Elena asked, turning to face me. These were one of the times when I could differentiate between Katrina and Elena more easily. Katharine was more seductive and demanding while Elena tended to be polite and compassionate. My heart clinched with longing and pain at the thought of Katrina.

"I'm not a maid and besides, you would look much better in the outfit." I smiled flirtatiously, expertly concealing the pain.

"Damon, just go get her." said Elena, rolling her eyes. Sighing, I complied and walked up the stairs but not before throwing her a wink over my shoulder. I approached the door and sighed before walking inside and opened my mouth to speak but before I could get the words out. I saw her look up at the mirror and freeze because of what? Shock? Anger? Pain? I couldn't tell. Studying her face, I crept into the dark shadow of the door and out of sight. Nervousness and concern stirred inside of me as I watched the color drain from her face. She placed a trembling hand on her cheek before jerking it away as if it had been burnt and some sort of realization seemed to hit her hard.

My heart squeezed painfully, as I watched her stumble out of the bathroom, sobbing hysterically. She then placed a hand over her heart and her sobs rapidly increased. I watched in horror and concern as she swayed unsteadily and I knew that her knees wouldn't hold out much longer. What was going on inside that head of hers that had made her so miserable? Did anyone of us have something to do with this?

Her knees suddenly gave out and without thinking, I shot forward to rescue her. At the moment, I didn't give a rat's ass about Elena or Katharine or the mess we were in. My attention was solely focused on the broken girl before me. I cradled her in my arms, feeling completely lost. I had no idea about how to deal with a crying girl since I had never done this type of thing before.

He had seen Katrina cry only ones when he was still human. Father had called him over so he couldn't spend much time with her, upon hearing that she had shed a few tears but she had sounded more like a disappointed child than a miserable girl. Looking back now, I felt as if her tears had been...fake.

But this was different, Anne was crying real, heart wrenching and grief ridden sobs and he had absolutely no idea about what to do.

He cautiously started rocking her back and forth like he had seen mothers do to calm their young ones during his especially long lifespan. She surprised him by burying her face in his neck and sobbing harder. He tightened his grip around her slightly as he felt her tears soak his neck before dripping down and staining his shirt as well. "It's going to be okay, you're safe now. I'm never going to let anyone hurt you. I promise." I whispered soothingly in her ear as I lightly rocked her back and forth for hours. Eventually, her sobbing ceased and after a moment or two, her breathing slowed into a soft, steady rhythm. I waited for a moment or two, silently allowing the rhythm of her heartbeat to lull me into a soothing trance before gently lifting her up and carrying her to the bed. I carefully placed her on the bed and unwrapped her arms from around my neck, placing them on her stomach.

I smiled a real smile, not a taunting smirk or a fake smile but a real, content and happy grin as I watched her lips twitch into a smile in her sleep. After watching her peaceful expression. I left her room, closing the door behind me with an almost non-existent smile resting on my lips.

Roxanne's POV

My knees buckled and I collapsed in a sobbing mess but just before I could hit the ground, strong arms enveloped me. They felt safe, warm and comforting. A soothing voice whispered "It's going to be okay, you're safe now. I'm never going to let anyone hurt you. I promise."

Finding comfort in his words, I latched on to whoever it was, sobbing against him as I was rocked back and forth. I don't know how much time passed but the person stayed with me until I calmed down, wrapping me into a cocoon of warmth and comfort. I cried until I had no more tears left, all the sobbing had left me tired and drained of energy. Giving into the need for rest, I closed my eyes and fell into the first fulfilling sleep I had experienced in a decade. I vaguely remembered the feeling of being lifted up before slipping into oblivion.

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