Chapter 2

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Hours went by as we waited for Stefan to awake from his deadly slumber. The tension in the air was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. "Wake up already" I snapped at his corpse, the tension finally getting to me. I frowned irritated, nudging his body with my foot.

"Stop doing that." Elena commanded and glared at me when I just nudged him again to aggravate her.

"I wouldn't have to if you're boyfriend didn't piss him off" I stabbed back and she opened her mouth to lecture me but was cut off by Jeremy.

"Stop fighting!" he interjected, glaring at the both of us. "She started it." I muttered meekly but quickly shut up when he glared at me again.

"At least don't nudge him" She stated angrily, glaring at me"Learn some manners."

"Yes, because you're the perfect example of a sophisticated lady, right? I retorted sarcastically.

"At least I didn't sleep with someone who attacked my brother!" she fired back.

I growled in anger "Because stabbing people in the back seems more like your forte, right?"

"Both of you, quiet!" Jeremy snapped. I huffed in anger and marched to the kitchen to cool off. I wasn't even in this world for two hours and I had already screwed things up. Woo-Fucking-Ho

I glanced back towards Elena's direction and guilt coursed through me. It wasn't her fault I was stuck here and, man, I needed to learn patience. Moving back to the lounge, I came face to face with the unexpected sight of Steffy sitting up and stretching his muscles while Elena stood next to him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Welcome back to the living, Bambi killer." I greeted with a smirk that could rival Snape.

"Hilarious" he deadpanned giving me a sarcastic smile. I shrugged, tough crowd. I nodded my head towards the kitchen, silently asking her to join me. She turned towards Stefan and they seemed as though they were talking with their eyes. I waited, slightly envious at seeing the love they held for each other. In the end, she complied to my request and strolled into the kitchen, turning to face me with an agitated frown "What?"

"Listen" I began nervously, making invisible patterns with my foot "I want to apologize for being a bitch back there. It was the stress talking and-"

She cut me off. "I'm sorry too. I guess the strain was getting to us all, huh" she finished gently, guilt shining in her eyes.

"It happens" I assured her, shrugging offhandedly "But don't you have to prepare for the visit from the Oh-wise-ones?"

That seemed to pop her bubble of calmness and she started to panic. I watched amused as she ran around like a headless chicken with a brooding Stefan hovering over her. Laughing quietly to myself, I went over to the couch and decided to watch some TV since Jeremy had gone up to his room. I couldn't help but think about who these supposed guests were that had caused Elena and the others to become so panicky and cautious. Didn't Abigail talk about some villains or something, the something and Santa clause. No....that wasn't quite right, I thought before shrugging and surfing through the channels. We'll see when the time comes.

After an hour, the doorbell rang and I secretly hopped that it was Damon, annoying him would be fun as hell. "I'll get it" I yelled and sauntered to the door. I opened it and saw the whole freaking gang waiting outside.

"Hey Anne." Bonnie grinned, stepping inside the house. I opened my mouth to reply but didn't get the chance as I was enveloped in a warm, bone crushing and life threatening hug. "Are you okay?" the blonde asked worriedly, tightening her hold on me. I patted her back awkwardly and opened my mouth to retort but was cut off...again. Is cutting me off a fucking trend cause it sure seems like it, I thought irritated.

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