Chapter 4

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A/N: I apologize for updating after a long time. I hope you enjoy the chapter below. To everyone who read this story, you guys are awesome and don't ever forget that. Enjoy the new chapter.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I sat up slowly with a yawn. After putting on my slippers, I walked down the stairs, towards the promise of food. As I reached the last step, I stopped at hearing Damon's voice say "I have a plan."

"What's the plan?" I heard Elena ask.

"Me and Stefan are going to stab her in the heart and witchy's gonna help." Damon explained confidently, throwing her a smirk.

"That's suicide, Damon. She's the original witch, even Klaus is afraid of her." Stefan protested.

"Well, let's hear your genius plan then." Damon countered and smirked when Stefan remained silent.

"You can't go through with this! That's suicide!" I exclaimed worriedly, moving to stand beside Damon. "And why on god's green earth didn't someone wake me up?"

"I tried to" Elena explained, glancing at Damon curiously. "But Damon told me to just let you sleep."

I raised an eyebrow at his nonchalant expression. "I thought you needed it." He said softly, giving me a look.

Elena curiously glanced from me to him before grabbing Stefan's hand "Stefan please, don't go through with this."

"Time is running out Elena, we have to do this." Stefan sighed, pulling her into a hug. He then released her before leaning down to kiss her.

"We have to go, love birds." Damon reminded them annoyed, before smirking at Elena "Do I get a goodbye kiss?"

"No." she snapped in irritation.

"You're leaving, right now?" I asked softly, feeling slightly vulnerable.

"Yeah" Damon nodded, eyes softening as he glanced at me "We have to do this."

"Good luck." I murmured softly in concern. He gave me a quick, reassuring smile before blurring away with Stefan following suit. Please be safe, I thought pleadingly, as my eyes strayed towards the direction they had gone.

"So what do we do now?" Elena breathed, breaking the silence. I turned my face away to hide the concern and fear which were overwhelming me.

"I'm going to the grill." I murmured before scurrying away. After putting on a black t-shirt and blue jeans, I sauntered to the door, grabbing the car keys on the way. It took about half an hour for me to find the Mystic Grill. Mystic Falls... Mystic Grill... is there anything here that isn't mystical, I thought absentmindedly. I entered the building and saw Klaus sitting alone with a drink in his hand. He looked so lonely. He was the big, bad hybrid and didn't have any friends since he was always striving to make more creatures like himself, dispassionate about the people he hurt in the process. It must be lonely... living like that.

"Hey, Alpha wolf." I greeted him playfully, sitting on the stool next to him.

"Hello love." He returned,turning to me with an amused smile " Did the Salvatore's send you?"

"Nope." I chirped "They're out trying to kill the original bitch." I winced, remembering that Esther was his mother, no matter how much of a good-for-nothing evil bitch she was. "No offense." I added.

His lips twitched into a small smile "None taken." He stated casually with a shrug " The Salvatores better succeed if they want their heads to remain attached to their bodies."

"Trust me, I know." I sighed, observing him as silence crept over us. I watched him down his drink and a small smile unconsciously formed on my lips. "We're remarkably alike." I said suddenly "Like two peas in a pod."

"And how exactly are we alike, love?" he asked curiously.

" We both want to protect our families." I explained solemnly " We're both fucked up with slightly less fucked up siblings and we both wear facades to hide our true selves."

"I'm sure that your family is a lot saner than mine." I noticed that he didn't deny the other things I said.

"You don't know anything about me or my family, Klaus." I countered, softly

"I do believe that I know the doppelganger and her family to some extent." He stated cockily.

I shot him an amused yet sad smile "You don't know anything about my family, Klaus." I repeated, tears stinging at the back of my eyes at the thought of Dean, Sam, Cass, Bobby and the rest of my real family. "But" I continued when he opened his mouth to protest "I would like to be your friend, Nicklaus." I declared, sincerity and certainty heavy in my voice.

"We'll see, love." He stated, looking at me with an unreadable expression, though his eyes had softened. I was about to retort but was cut off by my phone buzzing. With an irritated huff, I opened it, only to reveal Elena's message which said 'Come home, now.' Well that escalated quickly, I thought, rolling my eyes.

"I have to go." I stated grumpily, reluctantly standing up.

"I'll see you soon, love." Klaus drawled, though it sounded more like a promise than anything else.

"As will I." I returned, giving him a brief smile before walking away. I felt eyes boring into my back as I reached the door. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Klaus starring at me and I shot him a quick grin before exiting the bar. I drove to the Gilbert's residence and walked up to the front door, knocking on it. After a moment, Elena opened it, I was about to greet her but all positive emotions left me at seeing the look of utter worry on her face. "What happened?" I asked, urgently.

"You'll see." She responded sadly before walking inside the house with me trailing behind her. I gasped at seeing the state the Salvatore brothers were in; their shirts were ripped in some places, thousand of scratches and bruises lay littered across their skin.

"Oh My God!" I exclaimed in shock and concern "Are you guys all right?"

"Just dandy." Damon returned sarcastically, holding up a bottle of alcohol.

"The plan failed, didn't it?" I asked hesitantly, already knowing the answer.

"We couldn't kill her." Stefan answered seriously, body tensed. I slumped down on the couch, burying my head in my hands. Great! Now what are we going to do?

"Now what are we going to do?" Elena asked, echoing my thoughts.

"We'll think of a plan." Stefan assured her as he rubbed her arms in a comforting manner, please, let everything be alright, I thought pleadingly, sparing a glance at the worried trio. Please god, help us....

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