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ella's pov

It's Monday again, i fucking hate Mondays. I was still laying in Nicks bed when he started getting ready.

'El you have to get ready or we'll be late.' He told me and i sighed annoyed but i got up. Going into the bathroom and tugging on one of Nicks hoodies. I sprayed some perfume, brushed my hair and started on my makeup. I sat on Nicks bed as i applied my concealer.

'Hey, thanks for letting me crash.' I told Nick and he smiled.

'Of course, any time. But you have to talk to your dad and Taylor. It's not their fault they're famous, people want to know about their love life. I mean you did too when she was dating that Joe.' He started packing his bag. He was right, they couldn't do anything about it. It still sucked tho.

'I'll talk to them after school.' I got up after finishing my makeup and we headed down stairs. Slipping into my shoes we walked towards school.

'You know parent teacher thing is tonight?' Nick said. Fuck, i totally forgot. They had moved it from Friday to Monday for whatever reason. Dad was still out of town, and Mr Johnson told me that he really wanted to talk to him. Well i'll call him when i get off from school.

'Okay see ya.' I walked away from Nick and into my maths class. I sucked at maths, english and literature i was a master, but not math. I think i want to be a writer when i get older. Something to do with words, i can't sing for the life of me, but i love writing lyrics.

After fourth period i was off, another short day luckily. I walked home alone, blasting music into my ears. I'd have to talk to dad about the parent teacher thing tonight. We haven't seen each other since Thursday evening.

I unlocked the door and kicked off my shoes. Going in the kitchen to grab something to drink. When of course Taylor was there again.

'Oh i didn't mean to disturb you.' I said and quickly walked to the fridge.

'No it's alright, there's no lyrics coming out of me anyway. Look i wanted to talk about what happened Thursday. Your dad and i really love each other. And i really want to get to know you, he loves you more then anything. I'm not trying to replace your mom in anyway. I just want to be you friend?' She asked me that last sentence. I nodded and grabbed an energy drink and sat next to her.

'I'm sorry, i just overreacted. You really can see trough people, and it's a little scary. I don't open up, to anyone, i'm a very private person. Ever since mom died, i've learned to keep stuff for myself. I'm already really in the spotlight because of dad, so i lay low. I guess i just got scared because i didn't want to get even more attention. I know it's not y'all's fault, and i really love seeing my dad happy again. So i wanted to try this again. Hi i'm Ella.' I stook out my hand and Taylor shook it.

'Alright, i'm Taylor.' She smiled and i did to. We got into some light conversation, and turns out she's pretty funny.

'Wait, i don't buy it. Taylor Swift, Americas sweet heart was a teenage dirtbag. But your life is so perfect.' I said and she chuckled.

'Oh my life is a lot, but not perfect. Ella i notice when people are off, because no one noticed it with me. Trav told me you've watched Miss Americana, so you know about my eating problems from the past. Nothing is perfect, literally nothing.' She placed a hand on my shoulder, and i let her. Something about her was just so comforting.

'Would you maybe want to go to this parent teacher thing in about half an hour?' I asked her.

'I would be honored too, i'll just go change.' She got up and walked to dads room. After fifteen minutes she walked down stairs. She was dressed in a short black skirt with a navy blue sweater. She'd pared it with black heels and a soft makeup look.

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