Chapter 17 - Omnivore

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"Fate is not satisfied with inflicting one calamity." - Publilius Syrus

My eyes fluttered open as I heard my clumsy boyfriend in the kitchen. He was probably cooking something. I grabbed my purple robe and walked out the bedroom and, as I suspected, Spencer was indeed making a mess. "You woke me up." I stated as I sat on the counter.

Spencer handed me a cup of coffee and kissed my cheek. "Good morning to you too, Precious!" He grinned, his hazel eyes staring at me adoringly as I rolled my eyes at his comment.

I took a sip of the scalding brown liquid and sighed in appreciation. "Good morning, Spence!"

He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my head. "That's my girl!"

"Where's my food?" I browsed the mess in the kitchen. For a germophobe he sure didn't have any caution in the kitchen.

Spencer grabbed two plates and placed some waffles on them. "Would you like some chocolate or syrup?" He asked as he put the plate in front of me.

I smiled at my boyfriend. "Nothing." I grabbed a fork and started digging into my food. I was starving!

Our phones started buzzing suddenly. "Hotch needs us asap." Spencer informed me as he put his phone away.

"Must be one hell of a case if he's making me skip waffle day." I pouted and Spencer chuckled.

"I wouldn't want to be Hotch today." He grabbed me by the waist and took me to our bedroom. "Now stop being lazy!" He ordered as he tickled me and I couldn't help but laugh at this goofy man standing right beside me. Spencer Reid was more than my boyfriend. He was my best friend, my partner, the only man I have ever loved and the only one I ever want to love.

* * *

We arrived at the conference room and Hotch was already there. "Good morning, everyone! I'm sorry for calling you so early, but this a very important case." Hotch seemed really upset.

"What's the case, Hotch?" Morgan asked with a concerned expression.

JJ clicked the remote and crime scene pictures appeared. "Nina Hale and Evan Harvey were murdered last night in Boston, Massachusetts." Hotch stated. "Harvey was shot once in the head and Nina was stabbed 46 times after he throat was slashed. He took Nina's watch and left a pair of glasses at the crime scene."

My eyes widened in shock. "I heard about this case." I claimed. "I even wrote a paper about it. This is the Boston Reaper."

"The Reaper stopped killing in 1998." Rossi stated. "Why return now?"

"Maybe he was in prison." Emily chimed in. "It would explain the cooling off period. Serial killers don't stop out of nowhere."

"That's not true." Spencer said as he leaned forward. "The Zodiac was a prolific killer until he stopped without an explanation."

I nodded. "True but could have been incarcerated or died." I stared at the crime scene pictures. "Are you sure this is the Reaper?"

Hotch handed me a copy of a letter. "Detective Shaunessy made a deal with the Reaper. He died and the deal was void." He looked distraught. "Shaunessy was a good cop and back in the day, the public was scared and in a frenzy. We were not even close to finding the unsub. He did what he had to do to protect the city."

"That means the Reaper was in control, something he craves. That explains why he kept his end of the deal." I furrowed my eyebrows. "He had to be spying on Shaunessy to make sure he kept his word. That's why he started killing as soon as the detective died."

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