Chapter 2

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“This has to be illegal! Where are you taking me? Where is my phone? Oh my God, are you kidnapping me, you psycho?”

Ethan’s patience, already wearing thin, finally snapped. “Delilah, that’s enough! Shut up and listen to me before I have you sedated again, and this time I swear I will gag you as well if you keep up with this nonsense.”

The cold menace in his voice silenced her, her wide eyes filled with both fear and defiance. She was clearly terrified but trying to mask it with bravado. He almost admired her for it, even as it tested his limits.

“You are in my private jet, little one,” he said, his tone softening slightly as he continued. “And you can calm down because I am not going to hurt you. We are only going to Athens to get married. It’s peaceful there, and far away enough from the havoc you have already wreaked here. Moreover, I promised Max I would keep your excesses in check, and I am a man of my word.”

Delilah stared at him, her mouth agape, as he casually dropped the bombshell. Athens? Marriage? Her mind raced, trying to process what he had just said. This wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be. But the stern, unyielding look on his face told her that it was very real.

“We are getting married because I need an heir,” he continued, as if discussing the weather. “Give me an heir, Delilah, and after that, you’ll have your freedom. Enough money to live however you want, wherever you want. You may even decide to stay with me if that’s what you prefer, but that will be entirely up to you.”

She gaped at him, utterly speechless, honestly what was with men and using her and paying her off? She was totally sick of it. This was madness. She had been driven into a corner, forced into signing a contract that bound her to this man this cold, calculating monster. And now he wanted a child? After the last time when she had knowing gotten rid of the foetus inside her, she wouldn't do it ever again, She wasn’t ready for that. She didn’t even know if she could be a mother, and she certainly didn’t want to be one under these circumstances.

But she was no fool. There had to be a way out of this. Ethan might think he had her trapped, but there was always a loophole. First, she needed to play along, agree to his demands until she could find a way to extricate herself from this nightmare. She had always been good at playing roles, at being what others wanted her to be. She could do it again. She had to, if she wanted to survive.

“So, let me get this straight,” she said, her voice surprisingly calm. “You want me to give you an heir, and then I can go free? Live my life however I want?”

“That’s right,” Ethan confirmed, watching her intently. He didn’t trust her sudden compliance, not for a second. Delilah was too clever by half, and he knew she would be looking for a way out of this. But he had thought of everything, or so he believed.

“And if I refuse?” she asked, her eyes narrowing as she tested the boundaries of her new reality.

“If you refuse,” he said slowly, leaning forward, “then I will send you back to Max, and you can deal with the consequences of your actions. Prison, disgrace, the whole package. Is that what you want?”

Delilah bit her lip, hating how easily he manipulated her but she could not afford to bring herself to the limelight for the wrong reason again, it would totally destroy her parents political career. He knew exactly which buttons to push, how to corner her until she had no choice but to comply. It was infuriating, and terrifying.

“No,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “I don’t want that.”

“Then we have an understanding,” Ethan said, sitting back with a satisfied smile. “Good. We will be in Athens soon. I suggest you get some rest. You will need it.”

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