Chapter 15

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"You look stunning in that dress," Ethan remarked, his voice low and velvety, sending an involuntary shiver down Caroline's spine. She blushed, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

"Thank you," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. She could feel the heat rising from her chest to her face, an uncomfortable yet undeniable reaction to the intensity of his gaze.

"You should drink too," he said, casually handing her a glass of wine. The deep red liquid swirled like a mesmerizing vortex, but she shook her head, forcing a polite smile.

"I'm sorry, I can't drink while I'm working," she explained, hoping that would be the end of it. There was something unsettling about Ethan's presence, something that made her want to run even as her body ached to stay.

His rich chuckle made her insides churn, her legs weak as butter. He was beautiful in the most terrifying way. "You should drink. I'm your boss, so it's not like I'd fire you for following my orders," he said, his lips curving into a dangerous smile. "But I might fire you for disobeying them."

Panic shot through Caroline. She needed this job desperately. Her mind raced as she weighed the consequences. She couldn’t afford to lose her position, not when her whole life depended on her paycheck. Reluctantly, she took the glass from his hand, feeling her heart pound as she stared at the rim, hesitating for a moment before taking a sip. The wine was sharp and bitter, and she coughed as it went down her throat too quickly.

"Good girl," Ethan whispered, his voice dripping with satisfaction. He handed her another glass, and though her mind screamed at her to stop, her hands betrayed her, accepting the drink without question. She felt dizzy, the room spinning slightly as the alcohol started to take hold. Her senses dulled, she no longer trusted her own judgment.

Before she could register what was happening, Ethan was no longer sitting across from her he was beside her, his presence overwhelming. There was no escape, and she knew it.

Without warning, she felt a sharp pain in her neck, and her entire body stiffened as his teeth sank into her skin. Her pulse quickened as he drank from her, a mixture of fear and bewilderment paralyzing her. She tried to struggle, but her body betrayed her again, her limbs heavy and unresponsive. A flood of warmth overtook her as his venom seeped into her bloodstream, melting her resistance. Her mind spun in confusion as she felt her muscles slacken, the fight draining from her body.

The unmistakable scent of her own arousal filled the air, and shame washed over her. How could she respond like this? Her breath hitched, and she knew she should scream. She should push him away, cry for help anything. But all that escaped her lips was a low, pathetic moan.

Ethan, still drinking, pulled her closer, his hands sliding down her body, possessive and insistent. Her mind was in chaos, torn between the sharp sting of his bite and the haze of lust clouding her thoughts. Caroline’s body betrayed her yet again, reacting to his every touch despite the horror of what was happening.

She needed him to touch her, there, anywhere, the throbbing between her legs growing unbearable. Ethan's hand slid down her dress, finding its way beneath the fabric. With a swift, practiced motion, he ripped away her flimsy underwear, exposing her to him. His fingers probed her slick heat, and she shuddered, biting back a sob.

In one swift movement, he unsheathed himself and plunged into her. Caroline’s eyes flew open, a scream tearing from her throat as his massive member forced its way inside her, tearing through her virginity with brutal force. She wept, tears streaming down her face as he moved within her, thrusting without mercy.

She begged him to stop, her voice hoarse from crying, but Ethan was lost to his own primal desires. Her blood was his drug, and her body was just an added bonus. Each thrust was more painful than the last, but there was no escape. The combination of blood loss and the unbearable pain of her first time overwhelmed her, and her vision blurred. Darkness crept at the edges of her consciousness until, mercifully, she passed out.

When Caroline woke, the room was spinning, and a dull ache radiated through her entire body. She groaned, clutching her head as she sat up. Her neck throbbed painfully, and she stumbled toward the mirror, desperate to see if it had all been a nightmare. But the reflection confirmed her worst fears: two puncture marks adorned her neck, with dried blood surrounding them. It wasn’t a dream.

Terror gripped her. Her whole body trembled as she stared at the marks. She had to get out now. She couldn't stay here, not after what had happened. There was no future in this place, only death.

She hastily packed her things, her hands shaking as she shoved clothes into her suitcase. She scribbled a resignation note, leaving it on her bed. But when she tried to call a cab, her phone showed no signal. Panic set in. Was she trapped?

Leaving her belongings behind, Caroline bolted for the gate, determined to leave even if it meant walking for miles. She barely made it past the towering iron gate of the castle before security appeared from nowhere, surrounding her like a pack of wolves. She kicked and screamed, clawing at them, but they were unfazed, dragging her back to the place she so desperately wanted to escape.

They tossed her into Ethan's chambers, and she collapsed to her knees, sobbing, her voice raw from screaming. Ethan sat in the center of the room, an amused smile playing on his lips.

"What do we have here?" he drawled, rising to his feet. "My little worker, trying to run away."

Before she could stop herself, Caroline spat out, "I quit! Sleeping with me and drinking my blood was never part of the agreement! You can't do this this is a free country, and I quit!"

Ethan chuckled darkly. "Sweetness, did you even read the contract before you signed it?" he asked, taking slow, deliberate steps toward her. "It clearly states that I own you until I decide to release you."

"You can't own me," she protested, her voice shaking. "I never consented to this, and I haven’t even been paid yet."

He smiled coldly. "Haven’t you checked your account balance recently?"

Her heart raced as she scrambled for her phone. She blinked in disbelief when she saw the numbers. $100,000. She had to count it twice to make sure.

For a moment, her breath caught. That kind of money... it was more than she’d ever seen. But then the memory of what happened last night surged back, and the thought of staying became unbearable. With tears in her eyes, she fell to her knees before Ethan, her head bent in submission.

"I’ll give it back," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "All of it. Just let me go. This was a mistake. Please… you can find someone else."

Ethan’s eyes glittered with amusement. "Stand up," he commanded. Her body obeyed, moving against her will. Panic seized her as she took slow, reluctant steps toward him. "Walk to my chambers and wait in the cage I’ve prepared for you."

Her mind screamed no, but her feet continued to move. True to his word, there was a golden cage near his bed. She entered it, and Ethan locked the door behind her, leaving a small compartment open for food.

"You had freedom, warmth, and comfort," he said, his voice cold and detached. "Yet you tried to leave me. Now you’ll earn your freedom the hard way. You’ll no longer be a servant, Caroline. You’ll be my pet. Your job is to look pretty, smell nice, and live in this cage until I need you for your blood or for other things."

Tears flowed freely down her cheeks. She couldn’t believe this was her life. All she could do now was wait for the right moment to escape no matter the cost, she shivered again in the cold night air, wishing she has her warm bed and blankets, her tears ran freely, she must have slept off at a point.

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