Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to @Myaere for being an amazing reader.

I wrinkled my nose in disgust at my attire. The normal, perfect me would not be caught dead wearing this silly excuse of a dress. The cheap material scratched against my skin, and the garish floral print made me feel like I was cosplaying as some 1950s housewife. I took off the flower crown and tossed it into the brand-new interior of the red Porsche with a sharp flick of my wrist, my frustration bubbling over. Ethan said not a word, his eyes fixed on the road, the only sign of his discomfort being the subtle clench and unclench of his jaw. I watched him out of the corner of my eye, daring him to say something, anything, but he remained infuriatingly calm, like a statue carved from granite.

Eventually, I gave up trying to enrage him and decided to take a nap. What's the point of arguing with a wall? I thought bitterly. The last thought before I dozed off was, This guy is so not normal.

I woke up with a jolt, my stomach protesting loudly. The pangs of hunger shot through me, sharp and demanding, pulling me fully awake. I blinked, my surroundings coming into focus. I was on a bed. Panic surged through me as I tried to piece together how I had ended up here. I looked down at myself and froze. I was stripped down to my undies. Oh no, no, no, no, I groaned, pressing a hand to my forehead. Did I just have a one-night stand? I was sure I was so over that phase of my life. But as the memories came rushing back the contract, that handsome, dumb man, the wedding I realized with a mix of relief and irritation that nothing had happened. Nothing that I could remember, at least.

For the life of me, I didn’t know what I had done to Ethan. He was supposed to be in love with me, chasing me around, not giving me the cold shoulder like this. I mean, I was still incredibly hot, wasn’t I? I thought, looking myself over in the full-length mirror that stood in the corner of the room. Even if I had to say so myself, I hadn’t gained a single pound, and I still looked stunning despite the ridiculous wedding dress. Now who the hell stripped me of my clothes and how the heck did I get to this room?

I slowly got down from the bed, my legs feeling wobbly as I tested them out on the floor. My tummy growled again, more insistently this time. He is so paying for this contract or not. I thought, fuming. I opened the closet out of habit, and what I saw made my jaw drop. Inside were rows of clothes expensive, high-end brands, the kind you only see in glossy magazines. My heart skipped a beat as I reached out to touch a silk blouse, the fabric cool and smooth under my fingertips. There were shoes too, designer heels that looked like they cost more than a small car.

I stood there, mouth agape, trying to make sense of it all. Slowly, I turned around to take in the rest of the room. The more I looked, the more uneasy I felt. The cream-colored walls, the purple curtains, the plush carpet under my feet it was an exact replica of my bedroom back home. Down to the tiniest detail. I sat down with a thump on the floor, my heart racing. Oh my God. I think I just signed a contract with a creep.My mind raced as I considered my options. I had to get out of here, but I needed every advantage I could get. For one, I stunk, and I was not going to face whatever was waiting for me out there smelling like sweat and regret.

Rushing to the bathroom, I took in the similarities with growing horror. It was the same as my bathroom at home, with the pink and gold wallpaper, the lavender-scented soap I loved, even the pink bathtub and purple doormat were identical. A shudder racked through my body, and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Ignoring the instinct to run, I forced myself to stay calm. I went straight to the shower, cranking the water to the coldest setting. The icy spray hit my skin, shocking my senses, but it helped me clear my mind. I scrubbed every inch of my body, washing away the remnants of the bizarre wedding and the surreal morning that followed.

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