Chapter 4

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Finally, the horrifying excuse of a wedding was over. I sighed, completely at my wit's end, trying not to snap at the people coming around to congratulate us. Didn't they understand that I didn't give a damn about their opinions? For all I cared, they could shove it up their asses, and I wouldn't notice. My thoughts were interrupted by my husband.

"Sweetheart, let's get going. We don't have all day."

Where were we going? He said not a word, but I followed him anyway. A new bride can't just let her husband leave without her; that would be so embarrassing, and it would take a great deal of lying to explain it away. I had already created enough gossip and scandal to last a lifetime; I didn’t want any more pity. So I swallowed what pride I had left and chased after him, trying to be as subtle as possible.

With his car and suit, there was already speculation that I was probably pregnant and running away to get married. I let them think whatever they liked; I wasn't in the mood for questions and answers. Shaking off my thoughts, I focused on my greatest predicament—my husband.

Great, now I'm getting the cold shoulder for nothing. I am the one who was wronged, forced into this against my will. But alas, if I had known what awaited me, I would have opted to go to jail. The silence was so thick you could cut it with a knife. The only words exchanged between us were during the recitation of the vows; after that, nothing. He didn’t utter a single word to me or glance in my direction. Not that I cared, but it was just like freaking yesterday when this guy was desperately seeking my attention. Shaking my head to clear it of such negative thoughts, I was brought back to the fact that I had just entered into a contract marriage with a man I barely knew. Like, seriously! Why was he even going this far? We could have just had a baby without all this drama.

My tummy grumbled loudly. I turned to him. "Are we at least allowed to go to a restaurant and get something to eat?"

Again, I was met with dead silence. Seeing red, I screamed. He quietly looked at me. "Maybe you should actually read the terms of your contract."

Cursing as I'm sure no lady should ever be permitted to do, especially on her supposed wedding day, I began rummaging through my bag, emptying the contents before I found the blasted thing. He had given me a copy after the spanking—which hurt, by the way. I had been reduced to tears, and to make me stop crying, he had given me another copy. But I had been too distraught to read it until now.

I hadn’t even bothered to read the damn thing earlier. He had been so angry and impatient that I couldn't even concentrate on the terms of the contract; the words kept blurring together. When I could finally see it properly, I couldn't read past a line. There was a lot to think about, and I was already on edge. I thought Max would make good on his word, and I would be in jail. If signing a piece of paper would save me from that, then so be it. But reading it now, I discovered that the contract was senseless. I had practically signed myself away to be his slave. In fact, I might as well have gone to jail. Fuming at the cunning bastard, I turned to face him, determined to give him a piece of my mind, but I was silenced with a kiss. I was entranced until I heard the screeching of tires. Oh my God, what have I gotten myself into? The man is a complete lunatic.

BE IT KNOWN, this agreement is entered into on the 10th day of April, 2012, between Ethan Donovan (herein also referenced as "husband") and Leila Pearson (herein also referenced as "wife").

Whereas the couple contemplates legal marriage under the laws of the state of Texas and its mutual desire to enter into this agreement so they will continue to own and control their own property and are getting married because they love each other and do not desire their present respective financial interests to be changed by their marriage.

Now therefore it is agreed as follows:

1. Any and all property (debts) which belongs to each of the above parties shall be and shall forever remain their personal estate, including all interests, rents, and profits which may accrue from said properties. Said property shall forever remain free from the other.

2. The party shall have at all times, the full right and authority, in all respects the same as each would have if not married, to use, sell, enjoy, manage, gift, and convey all property which may presently belong to him except for the bride.

3. In the event of separation or a divorce, the parties shall have no right against each other in claims for support, alimony, maintenance, compensation, or division of property existing as of this date, except for the groom.

4. The bride should endeavor and do anything thereof to get the groom an heir. If she can't within the time allocated to her, the other party has the right to a divorce without any compensation of any sort to the bride.

5. Neither party should be caught trying to destroy this contract or would be fined with the sum of ($500,000,000), and this contract would become null and void. The offended party can do whatever he or she pleases with the accused party.

6. In the event of separation or divorce, the husband agrees to provide his wife a sum of ($100,000,000) to return to her hometown. The sum would be due to her upon completion of legal divorce proceedings.

7. Should either party deem it fit to unilaterally seek a divorce, at that moment, without further recourse, I concede to my spouse full custody of the children of this marriage and full ownership and use of all marital assets.

8. This agreement shall be legally binding and ensure the benefit of both parties, their successors, assigns, and personal representatives.

Confidentiality Clause

Neither Leila Pearson nor Ethan Donovan shall disclose any details within the contract or documentation connected to it within the allotted frame of the contract until the contract has been completed.

Devoted Wife- Leila


Loving Husband:Ethan Donovan

Date:  10/04/2012

"What the heck?" I shouted at him. "You have got to be kidding me. You can't be serious! Why is it that I get to do everything and still pay this insane fine? This is broad daylight robbery!" I yelled. "Why didn’t you just let me go to jail, or better still, just inform me you wanted me to be your slave? But guess what? I might as well have been talking to a wall."

After what seemed like an hour, he finally told me, "I gave you a copy of the contract in front of a lawyer, and you signed it willingly, so how is that my fault?"

"Finally, he speaks," I said sarcastically. But then everything he said finally sunk in. The jerk was right. I totally shouldn't have signed a contract without my lawyer, and I should have absolutely read the agreement. I sank into my seat, clearly in a state of despair, suddenly developing a throbbing headache. I leaned further into the car seat, muttering under my breath, "What on earth have I gotten myself into?" I groaned. I looked to see Ethan smirking. I’m so going to wipe that smirk off his hot, handsome face.

The contracts are exactly three: one was with the lawyer, mine, and Ethan's. All I needed to do was get them all and get rid of them. But for now, let's see how much my dearest husband can take before he breaks. I would prove to him that I am not a woman to be toyed with, I would make him break this marriage himself so of course i can still get the money, it was quite a lot.

It seemed like a totally good idea accepting Ethan's proposal at that time and then ripping up the contract. I wish that I had chosen differently. I would still be living in my bubble of blissful oblivion, believing humans were the only species in existence.

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