chapter 7

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Leila's mind raced as the car sped along the winding roads of the Isle of Secrets. The smooth leather seat under her felt like luxury, but everything else everything else felt like a gilded cage. Twenty-four years old, and here I am, signed away on some dubious contract that I can't escape from,she thought bitterly, watching the ocean crash against the cliffs beyond the window.

The tension in her chest hadn't eased since they had stepped off the jet. Even the pristine red Ferrari that had picked them up an obvious sign of Ethan's wealth did nothing to impress her anymore. It was as if each extravagant display only reminded her of how trapped she was.

"Is this all yours?" she asked, her voice betraying her awe as they pulled up to what could only be described as a palace. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't contain her shock. The Isle was stunning in a way that almost didn't seem real.

Ethan gave that familiar smirk the one that both irritated and intrigued her before replying, "Yes, this is my home. It's called the Isle of Secrets."

For a moment, the beauty of the place left her speechless. Roses of every imaginable color lined the driveway, and a grand waterfall tumbled down from the hills behind the estate. Butterflies fluttered around them, and the air was thick with the scent of flowers. It was a setting straight out of a fairytale, but there was something unnerving about it. Something about Ethan's pride, his silence, made the whole place feel less like a dream and more like a trap.

"I'll give you this much," she muttered. "It's beautiful."

The artist in her was itching to capture the sight, her fingers twitching as if holding an invisible brush. She longed to sketch the scene, but the weight of her circumstances this strange marriage, the isolation, Ethan's odd behavior held her back. When she glanced at him again, his face had shifted to something unreadable, almost sad, and that made her shiver.

The house loomed ahead, too vast to take in all at once. Its walls were adorned with intricate carvings of flowers, but as Leila's eyes wandered, they landed on a strange sculpture by the entrance a vampire, mouth agape, feeding on a nude human. It sent a chill down her spine, and she quickly looked away, why would anyone make a sculpture that creepy?

Inside, the opulence was overwhelming. Every surface gleamed, the marble floors reflecting the golden light from chandeliers hanging high above. It was almost too much, and for a moment, she felt dizzy from the sheer grandeur of it all.

Where the hell am I? she wondered. And where did Ethan go?, The whole grandeur set up looked more like a palace than anything else.

The silence unnerved her. There were no maids, no staff, not even the hum of machinery. It was as if the house existed in a world all its own, separate from reality. Kicking off her heels, she wandered barefoot through the echoing halls, her nerves on edge.

Suddenly, a voice whispered behind her, "Looking for something, sweetheart?"

She spun around, heart racing, and found Ethan standing far too close. How had he gotten there without her hearing him? His smirk deepened at her shock.

"How do you do that?" she demanded, her voice high-pitched from the scare. "You appear out of nowhere, and honestly, I'm starting to think you're not even human."

His eyes darkened, and the smirk faded. "I never said I was human," he replied, his voice soft but laced with something dangerous. "Be careful, Leila. Some questions could get you hurt."

Before she could respond, his fingers pressed gently against her lips, silencing her. Furious, she bit down hard enough to draw blood, but instead of anger, he laughed, pulling his hand back with a chuckle.

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