Chapter 9

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Ethan threw open the door, and we stared at each other, both frozen in the moment. His broad frame filled the doorway, his presence dominating the space as usual. I, on the other hand, was flushed with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. His shirt hung open, exposing his chest, and his eyes flicked to the plate of half-eaten dinner on the table beside me, I had taken it to my room just to spite him, because try as I might, I was unable to finish it, the meal was huge.

Then, the smirk.

"Leila," he drawled in that annoying Manner of his, leaning casually against the doorframe, "I would’ve thought you had a bit more manners than that spying on me and even eating my dinner."

My hand flew before I could think. The sharp slap echoed in the room, reverberating off the walls. Ethan’s face barely shifted, but his eyes darkened, the storm brewing behind them impossible to miss.

"You’re supposed to be my husband, remember?" I spat, my voice trembling with rage. "We just got to your home. Courtesy demands that you at least show your new wife around before screwing some cheap fling!".

Ethan took a deliberate step forward, closing the distance between us. His body towered over mine, the air between us thick with tension. "Are you mad," he whispered, his voice low and taunting, "that I’m not in your bed, making love to you?".

"In your dreams," I hissed, every word laced with venom. "If it were up to me, I wouldn’t have you anywhere near me."

"That’s the thing, sweetness." His breath caressed the side of my face, his lips ghosting near my ear, making me shiver despite myself. "I like my women willing—begging me to take them. And you, Leila…" His lips brushed mine, so faint I almost leaned in before I stopped myself. He chuckled darkly, pulling back. He pulled me against his muscular chest and his hands cupped my hardened nipples, a tiny moan left my lips, fingers trailed into my aching core, slipping into me, making me shudder, oh how I wanted more just as I began to respond he stopped his chuckle having the effect of a bucket of icy water. "Until you’re begging, let’s not have this conversation again."

He turned and strode out of the room, leaving me standing there, seething with frustration, humiliation and… something else I couldn’t quite name. He was almost at the door when, barely above a whisper, I called after him, "How am I supposed to give you an heir, then? So that we can end this. I’m just as sick of this arrangement as you are."

Ethan paused, his back still turned to me. "Don’t worry, love." His voice was maddeningly casual, dismissive even. "When the time is right, we’ll both know."

My fists clenched at my sides. "Why did you bring me here, Ethan?" My voice was louder now, frustration boiling over. "You’re wealthy enough to have any woman you want, and clearly, you already have someone you can’t tear yourself away from for even a minute, Why me? If you wanted a breeding machine, I’m sure she would’ve gladly served that purpose."

Ethan turned, his smoldering gaze sweeping over me, lingering on the barely-tied robe that barely concealed my body. His eyes took in every inch, stopping at the swell of my breasts. "I can smell your arousal from here," he muttered, his lips curling into a wolfish smile before he turned and left, shutting the door behind him.

I stood there, humiliated, hot tears pricking the corners of my eyes. It wasn’t fair none of this was fair he brought me to a new town where I know no one and proceeds to ignore me, I wonder if they laughed at me in the bedroom. Ethan was playing a game, and I was just a pawn in it. But two could play that game.


I made my decision in that moment. I was done being his obedient, humiliated wife. If he thought he could flaunt his affairs in my face, well, I could play his game. I was going to have some fun too. Maybe I would  even find a dark, mysterious stranger to warm my bed for the night. Why not?

I tossed the robe onto the bed and rummaged through my bag. My hands shook with anger as I pulled out a red bum-short and a white crop top. I threw on a big pair of red hoop earrings and lined my wrists with gold bangles, their false rubies catching the dim light. Who cared if they were real or not? I wasn’t here to impress anyone. I just wanted to feel alive again.

Brushing my hair until it gleamed, I tied it up in a messy bun and grabbed the perfume bottle off the dresser, dabbing some on my neck and wrists. I slipped into flat sandals and stuffed a pair of red pumps into my bag, just in case. Grabbing my phone and my keys, I stormed downstairs, my pulse racing with anticipation.

I found the garage without much trouble and gasped when I saw the collection of cars lined up inside. Every model, every color—luxury vehicles lined up like shiny toys. I bit my lip, trying to decide which one to take. Whenever I went to a boutique or a jewelry store, I got confused by all the options. Why couldn’t I just buy all of them? But tonight, I could only drive one.

The sleek black Lamborghini caught my eye first, but when I checked, the keys weren’t in the ignition. I groaned in frustration, cursing under my breath. No matter. I’d take the Ferrari instead.

I tiptoed back into the house, praying Ethan and his mistress were still too busy to notice. I nearly made it to the garage when my bag slipped off my shoulder, and the keys hit the marble floor with a loud clang. I froze, counting to ten, waiting for Ethan to storm out and demand where I was going.


I breathed a sigh of relief, scooped up the keys, and slipped out the door. The Ferrari roared to life as I pulled out of the garage, my smirk growing wider with every passing second. "Crazy bastard," I muttered to myself as I tore down the driveway and out onto the open road.

The cool night air filled the car as I rolled down the windows. The tang of salt from the nearby sea mixed with the engine’s hum, and for the first time in what felt like ages, I felt free. No more games. No more humiliation.

I didn’t care that I barely knew my way around town. Google Maps would guide me to my destination—the club where I could lose myself for a while.


I stepped into the club and immediately felt the familiar rush of energy wash over me. The smell of sweat and alcohol hit me first, followed by the pulsing beat of the music that reverberated in my chest. I let the noise drown out my thoughts, the stares and catcalls boosting my bruised ego.

I sauntered over to the bar, my hips swaying with newfound confidence. The bartender’s eyes lingered on me as I slid onto one of the raised stools.

"What can I get you, gorgeous?" he asked with a grin.

"Something strong," I replied, my voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me. "And make it quick."

As I sipped my drink, I felt the tension in my shoulders start to ease. Men stared, women whispered, but for the first time, I didn’t care. Tonight wasn’t about anyone else. It was about me, reclaiming a little piece of myself that Ethan had taken.

But as the hours passed, and I watched the couples dancing and flirting, that familiar pang of loneliness crept back in. Was this really the answer?I? Running away from him, from our mess of a marriage even if he was annoying as hell, I was so used to running away from my Problem, but it may be time I stayed and faced it Headon. But the sting of him frolicking with another woman hardened my resolve , I was going to have fun tonight before attempting to be the perfect wife, I mean Ethan started it if you looked at it critically, I planned on being faithful to my marriage but,oh well here we are. Moreover it was just a contract marriage anyway, it was not like it was a love match or something. I was sincerely regretting wearing heels but that was all I had right now. Considering Ethan is extremely wealthy I should also start using the privileges afforded to wealthy women. Like his card where I could withdraw and buy whatever I wanted, I mean it's bad enough our marriage is fake,we didn't have to make it that obvious Ethan and i would have another talk when we got home, but for now, I party hard and get laid.

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