32. The twin sister

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𝕬𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖊 𝕯𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖎

"Mommy, I told you to stop holding my hand. I'm not five." The little girl snatches her hand away.

"Fine, whatever. I'm Qhawe's twin sister, by the way." She sits down on one of the chairs. I'm still staring at them, waiting for an explanation.

"Technically, I'm his aunt since Maira is my big sister. My mother and my sister kind of gave birth at the same time." She clarifies.

"You're the Anokosha princess?" I've heard a bit about her, and I think I'm following her on Instagram.

"In the flesh." She chuckles a bit. As long as she's not a babymama of Qhawe, then I'm relieved. We can even become best of friends.

Qhawe walks into the kitchen and stands next to me.

"I take it you've met Inaya." He says.

"We did. Your girlfriend is gorgeous. Nothing unlike you." She pushes her braids off her face. It's now that I'm noticing her eyes. They are unusual blue. I mean, I've seen blue eyes and green eyes, but Inaya's and Qhawe's are too different. They don't look human. Is she a snake as well?

"Wow,thanks for the compliment, sis." They both laugh. They do behave like twins. It's pretty clear they grew up together.

The little girl's phone rings, and she takes it out from the pink handbag around her shoulder. Her face beams with joy when she sees the caller.

"Mom,it's Dad. I'm coming back." She rushes out of the kitchen.

"So...Adelaide right? What do you see in this douchebag?" Inaya asks while Qhawe wraps his arms around me. This chair is very tall.

"Can I ask you a question?" She eyes Qhawe first before nodding in suspense.

"Are you a snake as well?" If I'm going to be around his family, then I need to know more about them. She laughs at my question. She laughs so hard that she almost falls off the chair.

"Okay,your girlfriend is funny, Q. Do I look like a snake?" She's amused.

"You don't look like a normal human being with those eyes of yours."

"And she's a straight talker. I love you already, but I'm not a snake,trust me." She takes off the band from her wrist and ties her hair with it.

"So what are you?"

"Baby, just let it go." Qhawe tries to stop me from asking questions, but I deserve answers. It's not like they will change and become normal human beings if I stay away. I'm into this for life, so I need to know what I'm getting myself into.

"It's okay,Q. I would also become curious, and she's part of the family of miracles now. So I'm not anything but I have a special superpower." She grins. What are we in? Supacell?

"Which is?"

"Let me show you instead." She stands up and waves her hands around, then water starts pouring on my head. I quickly stand up and move away from the chair, but I realize that wherever I go, it feels like it's raining on my head.

When I look around, I find Qhawe and Inaya laughing. So this is her superpower? She can make it rain like Anthony's mother in Encanto?

"Okay, stop." Qhawe says, and the rains stop. Great,now I'm wet. I stare at Inaya.

"I don't like you." I walk out of the kitchen and take the stairs. Qhawe runs after me.

"Adelaide! Wait..." I stop and turn around to face him.


"You asked her, and she showed you what she can do. Please forgive her." He's amused. His apology is not sincere.

"Why didn't she demonstrate with you?"

"I didn't ask her to show me what she can do."

"I need a dry pair of clothes and a new boyfriend at that." I turn around and continue walking upstairs.


I've taken a bath, and now I'm sitting on the couch with Qhawe and his little family. The food is finally here and we are all eating while watching the TV. It's more like the little girl is watching because it's cartoons, and she's laughing at whatever she's looking at.

"So Mom...Dad is coming to South Africa!" She yells. Was that necessary?

"He's coming? He didn't tell me." Inaya sounds surprised.

"I invited him." Qhawe says. It's very obvious he knows Inaya's husband. I'm not going to ask anything. I'll just chew on my chicken bones in peace.

"You invited him, and he agreed? It's very clear Aiden loves you more than me." She sulks.

"No, Daddy loves me more than anyone." The little girl argues.

"Yet he never came to South Africa when you invited him." Her mom says.

"That's because Italy is nicer than here. When he comes I'm leaving with him."

"You stay in Italy?" Okay, I couldn't stop myself from asking. The little girl does look mixed. Inaya is light-skinned, yeah, but her daughter is even more light skinned with midnight black hair.

"Yup. In Rome, exactly. We are the De Lucas. You can ask about us everywhere." The girl brags. That must be nice. Staying overseas, I mean.

"Wait...De Luca?" Angie mentioned something about a certain De Luca helping him to get rid of Nathan. Could it be the same guy?

"Yes, I'm Olivia De Luca." Finally, I get her name, but it's not like I care.

"Aiden De Luca is your dad and Qhawe's friend?" Why didn't he tell me that his aunt is married to his best friend?

"Best friend. Girl, these people are inseparable. Nothing can come between them. I've tried back in high school, but I've failed." Inaya rolls her eyes.

"How did you meet?" They went to high school in Italy? I'm discovering new things about Qhawe every day. It better be fast because my baby is coming. I don't want any more surprises.

"We were all schooling together in America,then I fell pregnant, but at least I had graduated from high school. Qhawe and Aiden kept in contact while I had to raise my baby alone without him even knowing I fell pregnant."

"You didn't raise Via alone. You had your mother and the entire Anokosha Kingdom." Qhawe reminds her.

"I was a single mom."

"By choice, Naya." Qhawe argues. I just sit there and watch them talk.

"He dumped me before I could tell him I was pregnant."

"He was protecting you."

"From what? I'm still in his life anyway, so he failed." She stands up and walks away.

"Your family could be a reality show on Mzansi Magic." I finish eating.

"Don't say that. This is my family." I just wonder what superpower my baby will be born with.

"But you guys are more entertaining than The Kardashians." He gives me a glare that I just shrug. I can't wait to meet everyone.

"So between your maternal family and paternal family, which ones are interesting? We should visit them." I've been suspended from work, so that means I can travel a lot.

"It's definitely the paternal family. They live in forests. The maternal family speaks Tshivenda the whole day, and there are so many of them. You won't know who is who." Via replies. I give her a smile.

"Thank you, Via. Venda is where we are  going." I announce.

"Hell no!" Qhawe argues.

"He hates his maternal family." Via chirps in.

"I don't hate anybody. Can you take your mother and leave my house? My girlfriend and I have far more interesting things to do." He winks at me. Finally,I've been dying.

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