||5|| fire 🔪/🤍

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You watch as your enemies house starts to go up in flames.

You didn't see who did it but you knew one thing, you had to save him.

Without thinking you ran up to the door, and when it was locked you kicked it down.

The smoke was everywhere but it didn't stop you as you carried on trying to find him in the house.

You got to the top of the stairs and went in the direction of his bedroom, only to find him passed out on the ground.

"Wake up, dammit just wake up" you shake him trying to wake him, when the smoke starts getting to you.

Luckily he lived alone so there was only him to save so you tried your hardest time save him.

You grabbed him as he was going in and out of contiousness and you put his arm around your shoulder trying to walk him out of the room.

Flames went up in front of you so you had to go down another hallway and down some stairs that weren't as badly damaged.

You started feeling light headed but there was no way you were giving up, so you just carried on walking towards the exit, doing your very best to save him.

You finally reached the door and quickly got him out laying him on the floor, when all of a sudden the house started collapsing.

The fire department and paramedics had already been called so as soon as you were outside they ran over trying to help the both of you.

After the paramedics helped the both of you, you passed out.

You woke up in the hospital after but you could only think about him, which is why you're now standing in his room.

He was still asleep but luckily he was going to be okay, you just had to wait for him to wake up.

You sat in the chair next to his bed hoping that he would wake up and be okay, and hopefully he would wake up soon.

Luckily the both of you managed to get out of the house without any burns.

"Fancy seeing you here, love" your thoughts were interrupted by a voice, his voice,

"Well someone needs to keep you alive, and at the moment that just happens to be me sweetheart" You replied trying to act like you didn't care.

Before you knew it you were out of the chair with your arms wrapped around him, as he pulled you on top of him with a tight grip around your waist.

"Thank you" he whispered into your neck, who knew that only two words could change everything between you.

And that after that day you would no longer be enemies, not after what you went through together.

And that the 'hate' you felt for eachother wasn't hate after all.


Word count = 477

I know this is very short but I made it over a year ago so please enjoy

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